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Here's Chapter 10

Go check out SSJ9K, if you already haven't. He so freaking funny!

Last Chapter:

"Brock...what happened? What was that form? Why were you gone for five months?" I began to ask frequently my hormones all over the place as I began to cry

He sighed and pulled me close, mindful of my belly "Well, where should I begin?"


-Vi's Pov-

"We landed on the planet not expecting to see a legion of armed warriors staring back at us waiting to shed blood for their planet."

I snuggled deeper into his chest so happy to have him close to me again, sharing the same bed. Our home felt so empty and cold when he wasn't here.

"I barely got out of there alive, they were a lot stronger then what we predicted, even with our Super Saiyan mode." He sighed "Me and yen of the fifteen got away...blood was all over our bodies due to the wounds we received."

I felt his tail snake around my thigh and tighten, along with his arm around my waist

"We made camp deep in the jungle of the planet. I was going over what our next strategies were, when we got ambushed by the warriors." He gritted his teeth "Most of my men died, only five survived in the end. I was even in a pickle...but what kept me from rolling over in defeat was the will..."

He looked down at me and tilted my chin up so I was looking at his dark eyes

"The will of a true Saiyan Warrior?" I asked

He smirked but shook his head. His tail moving, and wrapping around my own. The arm on my waist started to rub my swollen belly back and forth

"My will to keep going was not because I was a Saiyan Warrior...but it was for you Vi."

My heart swelled and sped up as he leaned, my tail twitching around his in anticipation.

The kiss felt amazing.

I missed this feeling, the feeling of Brocks chapped lips on mine, his calloused big hands on my burning skin, his burly arms circling around me to form a protected cocoon, our tails intertwined in a tight embrace

We pulled back as I gasped, we both looked down and smiled at the feeling

"That's the first time they kicked!" I exclaimed, smiling ear to ear

Brock chuckled causing me to look up


My eyes widened at my realization "Brock, we're having twins!"

His eyes widened but softened as he smiled. His one fang showing, "Thats, that's just amazing Vi"

I blushed, leaning in to kiss his nose, making a small red patch to firm on his own cheeks

We were silent, just enjoying each other. But I then thought of something "What was that scary form I saw you in earlier?"

He opened his eyes and looked off in space "Super Saiyan 9." Was his reply, I raised my eyebrows

He sighed "It's a much more powerful mode then 'The Legendary Super Saiyan"

I nodded not understanding fully but I knew he would explain better when he wasn't too tired

"Does King Vegeta know?" I whispered getting sleepy

He nodded "Yes, my remaining warriors reported, along side with me to him on what happened."

I looked at him to explain. He sighed and pulled me closer, getting more comfortable "After I thought about you during the fight, I felt my Super Saiyan power grow much larger. The others felt my power surge and were in shock, even the enemy staggered a bit" he smirked "I liked the fear in their eyes after my transformation"

I smiled and tried to keep my eyes open "I guess you're finally stronger then I am now"

He scoffed "Yea, I'm stronger now"

I heard him yawn

"Goodnight, my love" I whispered

"Goodnight, Vi."

Brock whispered before we fell into slumber, our babies moving happily in my belly throughout the night

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