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-4 months later-
-Vi's Pov-
"Brock, I don't know why you keep on being like this! I'm not going to get hurt by making dinner" I huffed, placing my hands on my wide hips

Brock growled a warning "Vi, go sit down. I can cook dinner for us."

I rolled my eyes and stayed planted to my spot, my feet hurting from the swelling "Cooking for you is eating anything that you best in a fight. Cook or uncooked! Doesn't matter! That's not dinner Brock."

He crossed his arms and stood at his full height glaring down at me "Food is food. Now, shut up and sit down."

I growled, my tail unwrapping from my waist and thrashing back and forth due to irritation

I stalked up to my stubborn mate.

He continued to glared down at me as I stopped right in front of him with my hands still on my hips.

My protruding stomach brushing his rock hard abs

"Don't. Tell. Me. To. Shut. Up." I growled

He growled back, his own tail unwrapping and thrashing around in what I assumed to be irritation 

We glared at one another, a terrifying aura admitting from both of us

"I brought dinner!"

My moms voice boomed through our house as her and my dad busted through our front door

When she walked into the kitchen she stared at the both of us.

"Not letting Vi cook again?" My fathers deep voice asked

I nodded as Brock growled

"Yes, your daughter doesn't seem to understand the critical condition she's in." He gritted out as he uncrossed his arms and glared at my parents

I flicked him "Critical condition? It's called being pregnant you imbecile! Literally, pregnant Saiyan women fight in battle! Why can't I simply make dinner?"

He snarled and whipped his head back at me "I don't care about those other women! I care about the well being of my mate and unborn children!"

I was about to retaliate but I stopped when I heard laughing 

We both whipped our heads at my hysterically laughing mother

"Y-You guys a-are just like B-Bardock and I-I, when I w-was p-pregnant! All three times!" She exclaimed, tears going down her face as she tried to catch her breath

My mom used my dads arm for balance so she wouldn't fall. My dad stood there with a straight face, glaring down at my mom, not in hate though

I looked at Brock the same time he looked at me. And like that our fight vanished

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