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-Vi is now seventeen years of age. Raditz, Vegeta are now twenty five. Kakarot, Broly and Brock are now twenty two-

-Vi's Pov-
I sat very still. Listening to my steady breathing. I was trying to make my heart slow down, however it was hard due to hearing my brothers arguing off in the distance making a small tick form on the side of my forehead

I tried to ignore them and focus. But eventually it became too distracting.

"Oi! Kakarot! Raditz shut your traps! I'm trying to mediate" I yelled

My brothers stopped their arguing but flew up to me

"Vi! Settle something for us" Raditz ordered

I growled and opened my eyes. Kakarot had the same grin that he always wore and Raditz had his famous smirk.

"If a female Saiyan slaps you in the face after you make a pass at her that means she likes you right?" Raditz, the now 6'1" grinning Saiyan asked me

I growled and stood up. Only being 5'4" , my height I got from our mother didn't do much so I flew to his eye level making him step back

" better not have interrupted my training for a stupid question like that" I growled in his face

Kakarot who was now 5'9" nodded, unaware of how mad I am "Yes, that's our question little sis"

I sighed and dropped my head at his expression and slowly went to the ground. Looking up at them, I began to speak "Well, what was the "pass"?" I asked, the two monkeys in front of me

"Ok so, me , Raditz, Vegeta and Broly were at the bar and this pretty Saiyan walked by with her friends. She had on this weird long dress with what looked like a dragon on it. She had straight bangs covering her face and her tail was trailing behind her." Kakarot explained, stars in his eyes at the thought of this female

"I wanted to ask her where she got her weird clothes from but as I reached out for her I stumbled and grabbed her tail very hard. She freaked out and kicked me in the face. I fell to the ground, and she began yelling at me. When she was done I asked her where she got her clothes from. She growled and stomped on me a couple of times before leaving in a huff with her friends"

I blinked at my older brother.

It was silent for a moment but then I began laughing "Kakarot! Oh my gosh! The reason she slapped you was because you touched her tail! To her she thought you were making a inappropriate pass at her."

I looked at his confused expression then asked "Look, are you interested in this girl?" wiping a tear away from laughing so hard

He thought for a moment then quickly nodded his head "Okay, so next time you see her go up to her and explain that you didn't mean to grab her tail. Tell her that you're sorry and that you just wanted to know where she got her clothes from" I explained

"Okay! I will!" He then flew off leaving me with Raditz

I glanced at him, there was silence for a minute before I asked "So, when are you going to have a special female?"

He snorted "Never." Then flew away causing me to smirk and flop back down resuming my training
On my bad days I would think about that Planet and the horrible things that occurred during that time.

However, whenever I did think about it I would repeat Brocks words:


Those words helped a lot.

He even taught me how to keep in control when I went Super Saiyan. True to my promise of that family I never fought again though.

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