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-Vi is now seven years of age. Raditz, Vegeta are now fifteen. Kakarot, Broly and Brock are twelve-

-Vi's Pov-
I slammed the female on the ground

"Submit!" I growled , she nodded

I kicked dirt at her face with a smile. She growled and got up herself. I skipped over to my father and we began walking home

"Three opponents in one day! And you beat them all. I'm so proud of you." He praised reaching down and patting my head

I smiled "Thanks dad, but I wonder when they're going to stop challenging me. It's getting annoying"

He nodded "Yea, it gets like that sometimes"

I laughed but stopped when I saw my mom standing in our way with her arms crossed and her tail waving back and forth

"Vi." She growled, causing me to gulp

I glanced at my dad and saw a puff of smoke "..Coward" I whispered

"Yes mommy?" I asked, as I looked up at her with puppy dog eyes

"Don't give me that!" She shouted, causing me to jolt

"What was that I saw? Our deal was if you're going to fight then you will show your opponents respect. No matter the outcome. I was bullied before I met your father, and by you kicking dirt in somebody's face brings back bad memories!" She yelled

"But mom! That's how Raditz fights! And other Saiyans do it, I don't understand why I can't?"

She huffed "You shouldn't be following in other people's footsteps. And I've already dealt with your brother" she nodded behind me, I turned to see my brother standing very still as the neighbourhood children either climbed on him or kicked and bit him.

I shivered at the thought

"Vi, I don't want you to end up like a heartless killing machine. I love that you have the will to fight but you don't have to act like the Saiyans that you see. You are an affectionate girl who shows that us Saiyans can love." My mom said putting her hand on my shoulder and bringing me in for an embrace. My face being smothered by her chest.

I giggled and moved my face, so I can hear her steady heartbeat "Okay mom, I'll try to be more like myself"

"Good" She said, I could hear the smile on her face

"Oi! You guys are having a hug fest without me!" A voice sounded behind me

All of a sudden I felt strong arms wrap both of us up and lift us up slightly

Me and my mom giggled as Kakarot towered over both of us as he gave us a bear hug.

"Ok! Ok! Let go Kakarot" I giggled

He complied and let us go. My mom setting herself down on the floor but myself flying up so I could be at Kakarots eye level

"Kakarot! I haven't seen you in sooo long! How was the mission?" I asked

He smiled "We didn't destroy any planets! They are now owned by Planet Vegeta." He laughed

"Oh that's amazing! See Vi and Raditz you don't have to destroy everything you see!" My mom shouted

Kakarot laughed "Did you kick dirt in another opponents face?" He asked

I nodded and sulked as I floated back to the ground. My face now coming probably just under his chest, with my mom at his shoulders

"Hey you know moms right, you can be yourself and still be a great warrior." He said putting his hand on my shoulder

"What about being a great warrior Kakarot?" Prince Vegeta asked behind him

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