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-Two YearsLater-

-Brock Pov-
I yawned as I smelt a delicious aroma make its way into my nostrils. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up in bed. My sheets falling around my naked waist.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Then got up and went into my kitchen, butt ass naked.
Standing in her shorter pair of shorts that she owned (that I would not let her leave the house in) with her usual bando and her hair tied up, was Vi as she cooked breakfast.

I plopped down at the table; well making sure I didn't sit on my balls, I started to watch my mate cook. Well, more importantly watching her body work.

I stared at her round toned ass in those too tight shorts. Her tail moving with her. I could just barely see the bounce of her breasts every time her arms would raise.

She's fucking lucky she has clothes on

I smirked but wiped it off the minute she turned around. I knew that she would jump at seeing me sitting there.

Vi was so jumpy.

She placed her hand on her chest making my eyes travel there "Oi! Brock you scared me! I gotta put a bell on you or something" she finished, shaking her head making her long pony tail move

I held my self back as she placed the dishes of food on the table in front of me. The delicious smell surrounding me, making my stomach growl.

If there was one thing about Vi, she knew how to cook.

She got that from her mom, Gine.

And when those women are under the same roof, well you better get in line cause word travels fast. It's almost like they could feed all of Planet Vegeta.
I tuned in as Vi placed the last dish on the table, she then walked over to me and kissed my nose "I would've waken you up the minute I finished cooking. But I guess you smelt it huh?" She asked

I nodded and began to stuff my face. I paused though when I heard her laugh "What?" I growled, not liking that I was being laughed at

She shrugged and sat in my lap "I just find it so funny that a powerful Saiyan Warrior like yourself could have such a mean scowl on your face all the time, but the minute you see food you turn into a child who just found out they were going to be trained for the first time" she giggled the last part

I shrugged "I suppose."

She then smirked and leaned into my face. I watched her carefully as her violet eyes stared into my own.

I swallowed the food that was still in my throat slowly as she came closer. She brought out her little tongue and licked the little bit of sauce that was on the side of my face.

She then looked down and smiled "Oh my? Well hello there!" I knew she was talking to Brock Jr.

I growled and stood up making her stand too.

"Br-" I cut her off when I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I watched as she bounced from me throwing her.

She laughed and sat up

I jumped on top of her and began taking off her clothes. She blushed of course but still giggled.

But just before I could get to the fun part our front door slammed open. Causing Vi to shriek and cover herself. I don't know why she's covering up, my full ass was being shown to our unwanted house guest.

I whipped my head at the intruder and bared my teeth. A savage growl emitting from deep in my throat.

Who's the idiot who dare set foot into my domain?

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