Chapter 2:- The Postcard

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Looking back at it, Serena blamed the whole fiasco on Palermo.

"I thought we agreed on a small concert!" Serena bellowed, "Ten thousand people?! Seriously, Palermo?"

She pressed an ice bag against her forehead, "I could have died it wasn't for my pokemon! The next time if poké-time wants to do an interview, let them have one with Rigel!" 

Palermo bit her lip and quietly took her criticism, it was her fault after all. The stadium she booked for the Kalos Queen's last concert of her latest album, Paradise, tour originally had the capacity to hold five thousand people, but due to a sudden mishap by her management team, they sold over ten thousand tickets. As Serena was about to finish her latest hit, 'See you in my future' a sudden upheaval in the crowd led to people breaking barricades and it ended up with Serena getting hoarded on by her fans.

Palermo thanked Arceus for Serena's Sylveon who had wrapped her feelers around Serena's waist and gracefully lifted her. Around fifty guards were injured and a hundred people responsible were sent to jail.

"I know it's my fault, " Palermo sighed deeply, "I should book a larger ground."

"You should have!" Serena snapped as she sank back on her bed.

"Well except the last portion, the concert was a bang on, it will leave Rigel speechless. The critics will send in their reports tomor-"

Palermo stopped after seeing Serena curled up in a ball with her eyes closed. She smiled and kissed her forehead, covering her up with a golden quilt. She picked up her Pokeball's and switched the light off.

Serena's eyes opened instantly as soon as Palermo closed the door.

Sham sleeping was one of Serena's special abilities. Once the sound of Palermo's heel grew fainter, she switched the light back on and kicked off her quilt. She stretched her arms and legs and jumped up and down for a few seconds until the air of lethargy surrounding her was blown away.

After a few moments, she walked over to the balcony of her hotel room and pushed the curtains open revealing a city drowning in lights.

Twilight was something that Lumious city never expected. It ran without feeling tired all day. She signed deeply as she gazed towards the little orb of blue lights hanging in the sky. Serena had loved stars as far as she could remember. After all, the memories of her father were etched to them. As a cold gust of wind blew past her, she shivered beneath her blue night suit. Her head, her hands, and legs throbbed; being almost crushed beneath a bunch of crazy fans.

She meant to brush her Pokemon tonight but to her disappointment, Palermo took the Pokeball away. She didn't blame her, the old woman lost her ability to trust Serena ever since she was sixteen and sneaked out of her hotel room after her first concert.

Boy, that was hilarious. She laughed while recounting those memories.

She took out her old string leather brown diary with a key for an ornament and opened it. Being a singer and a Pokemon performer, she never really stayed much at her home, the only thing which reminded her of it was her diary, the last gift which her father ever gave her.

Sleep was her old foe from whom she parted ways years ago, insomnia was her only companion. She laid awake at night, sprawled on her bed thinking about ways to convert her misery into something people could appreciate. Her songs.

Despite her loving demeanor, she never really liked the romance, though most of her songs were about tragic love. Serena was the type of girl who hated love, maybe because it never belonged to her. Fantasizing about something which she could never possess was something that she never wanted.

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