Chapter 51:- Stay here forever

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Ash couldn't sleep at night.

Of course, other things were keeping him up, but they'd stopped around a few hours ago. Besides him, Serena lay peacefully asleep. The blueness of the ocean above them brought out her eyes in such a way that Ash couldn't explain.

His head was propped against his elbow as he watched her breath elevate and decrease and the soft snores that escaped out of her mouth from time to time. The softness of her hair which was back to blonde and the curves of her face and body were some of the things.

Ash fell back on the bed, he started at the blue waters in front of him with utmost serenity. He couldn't quite recall the last time he'd been this much at peace, it was before the academy, before Misty, before he became a master and before he won Aloha.

It was in Kalos, the night they'd spend outdoors with Diance. The stars sparkled so brightly he feared they would crawl out of space.

Beside him, Serena stirred awake. He checked his alarm clock, it was seven in the morning.

"Morning," he kissed her forehead.

Serena smiled as she twisted in the bedsheets, groaning as sleeplessness took over her.

"So...?" Ash nudged.

"So... what?"

"Are we... you know..." he nudged again.

"Are you having a stroke?"

Ash sighed, "Are we dating?"

Serena frowned, "Well, of course," she rolled towards him, "I don't just sleep with anyone."

A strange sense of fullness took over his heart as he realized it was all he wanted. It was so ridiculously simple, if he'd had the guts to do it before, they wouldn't have spent so much time being so miserable.

"It's so... easy." A sigh escaped his lips as he put his arm around her shoulder, "I don't know what we were afraid of."

"What you were afraid of," she corrected, "I contacted you hundreds of times."

"You did?"

She nodded, "I even came to your match in Kalos and Sinnoh, you refused to see me."

Ash felt guilty, "Well I'm an idiot."

"Of course you are."

The two of them stayed in the position for quite some time. Ash felt finally at peace and Serena was no longer cold. It didn't take them any time to realize that it was all they'd ever wanted.

Ash wanted to stay forever in that little room in the Southern Control Center, but he also knew that it wasn't possible. Soon, they would have to go on outside into the real world and fight battles that weren't theirs.

"You know that cheesy line in Diantha's  old space movies?"

Serena went into deep thought, "Which one?"

"The third one?"

She knew which one he was talking about. Serena had grown up watching Diantha's movies, the good ones, and the bad. The one Ash was talking about was one of her favorites despite the critical reviews.

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