Chapter 50:-On way to Halfdfest-part 1

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"Are you sure you're fine?" Alain asked Grace as their jet soared through the skies, "we could've stayed a few more hours until you got your strength back."

"I'm fine," Grace said, "just... ask Charlus to hurry."

Grace was not fine, the magnetron had literally sucked all of her strength out of her body. It was true that he'd been shot many times that it had become a cliche by the time she was thirty eight but the wounds she'd suffered on her shoulder and leg the other day was still sore despite the marvellous treatment efforts at the Southern Control Center.

Despite her constant denials, Alain knew she wasn't fine. Grace was pale and feverish than normal. The Magnetron prison had been around for a couple of decades now, of course the one they had now was more advanced than the initial designs of James Red Raider but this wasn't Grace's first time being trapped in one.

However, this certainly was the most excruciatingly painful.

Alain knew how much his little 'betrayal' had affected his aunt, yet he didn't pressure her further because he knew there was nothing he could say which would console her. Alain and Grace,after all, were cut from the same cloth, if he were in place of her, he would want her to walk away.

A sigh escaped his lips as he walked towards Charlus who piloted the plane as if the controls and he were one and the same. He'd often said that he was born to fly, of course, Charlus used to say many useless things but this was one of those rare moments when he was actually correct.

"How's it looking?" Alain sat next to him, "any interruptions?"

"You mean any more family reunions for the likes of you two? Nope."

It was sarcasm. Alain has heard enough of it from Charlus ever since he discovered the relationship between Lysander, Grace, and him. Honestly, Alain didn't blame him. If their positions were changed, even he wouldn't trust himself.

"It's enough Charlus," Alain sighed.

Charlus grunted his teeth, "Of course," he agreed, "it's tough Alain, I... I don't know why Grace wouldn't tell me."

Alain frowned. It was true that over the past few years, Grace had matured, both as a human being and a mother. She'd learned compassion and empathy, which were once just words and alphabets to her. Alain had attended the academy along with her, he knew what the two of them felt towards one another. Charlus liked Grace a lot and if he'd given her some time, she would've confessed that she liked him too. But he hadn't, Charlus went ahead and married Bethany, a girl he barely knew.

He lost his right when he married someone who wasn't his aunt.

"And why would Grace tell you anything?" he asked harshly, "you're nobody to her."

Charlus grunted his teeth, Alain didn't need to remind him of his status, he already knew his place. What troubled him were the last words of Lysander, there was something Grace wasn't telling him and he needed to know.

"Apparently I matter enough for her to hide something from me."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what."

Alain did in fact know. When his father was murdered, there had been no body left from him to bury, only blood and his scattered work. Lysander had contacted Alain, he offered him his fathers dead body in exchange for Charlus Oak and Grace Van Black.

He had always meant to double cross Lysander once he got his hands on his father's corpse. He could never betray Grace, not after what they'd been through. He had a plan, a clever and safer plan to save the two and rescue his father.

Grace was the black sheep of the Van Black family, she had no one except for Alain and she hadn't confined him about it. One could only assume how much it meant to her. He didn't know how Lysander knew, and when he was getting ready to spill the beans, Alain lost it.

It's just a body, he told himself, you still have your memories, who needs a burial?

But it wasn't just a body, it was his father.

At the same time, on the other hand was his aunt, his dangerously adorable aunt who used to teach him ryhorn racing.

He didn't like to admit but for the likes of her, he could sacrifice a hundred of his fathers corpse.

"It wasn't important," he said, "Lysander is a dead man, who knows what lies he was cooking up."

Charlus smirked. "That's the point, he's dead. You shot him Alain, you shot him before he could tell me."

"It's none of you business."

"Who knows? He's dead... for all I know you know the secret too."

Alain got up, his nostrils were fuming with anger. "Don't poke you nose in others business, Charlus. Curiosity killed the Meowth, after all."

He went back to Grace, who looked more pale and feverish than ever. A sigh escaped his lips as he sat down next to her.

"He knows," said Alain, "you have to tell him before someone else does."

Grace's ears shot up in surprise. However, this time she didn't deny or lie, if there was anyone smart enough to figure it out, it was Alain Van Black. Even when he was a kid, his brain was the size of an old man's.

"I haven't told anyone," she was adamant.

"She knows."

Grace bit her, Alain didn't need to put forth names for her to figure out who 'she' was.

"And she doesn't want him to know," Grace said, "besides, he isn't smart enough to figure it out by himself."

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