Chapter 63:- The Rescue-Part 1

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Serena couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Dawn when she said that for Ash, she would do anything.

She's a lot better girlfriend than I am, Serena thought bitterly, heck, even Gary is a better girlfriend than me. 

Gary and Serena sneaked into the control room by the curtsy of Dawn and her over attached mother. On contrary to their believes, the two of them got in quite easily. They expected to see some other people but were in awe to find it deserted.

"Okay now," Gary rubbed his hands as he sat down, "all I have to do is write an algorithm to sort out all location and then compare them with the fuel intake of the total reservoir withdrawn from the fuel and then cross check—"

"Or we can just click this option which says load previous location?"

"Oh thank Arceus," Gary heaved a sigh of relief, "because I had no idea how to write an algorithm! Or whatever I was saying."

Serena smirked as the screen came live before there eyes. "Here," she pointed towards a pin prick island around the corner, "it says... Citadark."

"Perfect then let's go!"

Serena frowned, "Hang on... what if... this is someone else's location? I mean a lot of people have left this place since Ash."

"Like who? Calem bragged that he was going back to Unova for some 'mission'! This is the best we're going to get, let's go!"

Serena hesitated for a moment but then nodded off her worry. "How are we going to reach?"

A smirk played across Gary's lips, "I have a plan."

"This was your brilliant plan?" Serena said.

"Well, at least I had one!" Gary said defensively, "unlike you I didn't just assume that Ash was dead!"

It had been Gary's idea to steal the jet from which they'd arrived at the southern center, of course it was flawed because the exist was locked and they didn't have weapons or anything remotely similar to one.

Serena was pretty sure he was still in his PJ's.

Nevertheless, they'd stepped in the jet. Only to find the front seat occupied, by Alain.

"Well, well, well," he dramatically turned back his chair. "Look who it is."

The two of them were left speechless, they exchanged glances trying to come up with an excuse. "Ah, we were... looking for a place to... make out." Said Gary.

Serena hit his elbow.

"You were about to sneak out," Alain deduced, "in your pyjamas."

"How'd you know?" Asked Gary.

"Simple," he shrugged, "she's the daughter of Grace and you're the son of Charlus, any other answer would be short of a miracle... now, to whom should I report the two of you?"

Serena stayed quite, her gaze was fixated on the ground as if she was too ashamed to look up. Alain was going to report them and their little rescue mission was going to fail, rather spectacularly.

But then she noticed something, Alain's boots were made for combat and so was his attire.

"You're not going to report us," Serena smirked, "You're going to sneak out too."

Alain's smirk died down, she expected him to downplay his allegations but he simply shrugged. "Of course, I owe it to Charlus."

Gary frowned, "Why?"

"None of your business," said Alain coldly, "now come on, we need to leave... get behind the wheel Serena, you're driving."

Serena couldn't help but be proud of her capabilities for a moment.

"How are we going to get out?" Asked Gary, "I mean the exist is locked so... we're gonna have to shoot it, right?"

"You're insane," Alain smirked, "it's Hysicium, you can drop a bomb but it wouldn't leave a scratch... Arceus how were you ever going to get out without me?"

That's when Serena had made her glowing comment and Gary had answered with sarcasm.

"Set the coordinates for Citadark," Alain said firmly, "and don't you dare forget switching on the cloaking device!"

Sorry for the ridiculous short chapter!

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