Chapter 47:- The Van Black's

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Charlus could feel Grace's knuckles tightened despite the fact that they were trapped inside the magnetron.

"We're not an old married couple," she vexed, "and Lysander again Alain?! You couldn't trust me but you trust this... this sleaze bag!"

Alain stood still in the corner, his head was bowed down in shame or respect, Charlus couldn't tell anymore.

"How are you still alive?" She further said, "I though Ash Ketchum and his Greninja blew you out of my region."

Lysander was weak, he looked sick and haggard. He himself with help of a cane and was wearing multiple prosthetic limbs. The third degree burns that he'd suffered had turned into a light pinkish shade. There was a raggedness to Lysander's breathing, of course it might've been the artificial respirator attached to his neck.

Grace couldn't help but question his choices, instead of his bulky guards he should've brought nurses and a team of doctors, she kept on thinking.

If it wasn't for his life support, Lysander was dead, it was clear from the whitisness in his hair.

Lysander bit his lip as he sat down on a chair which Alain brought after he motioned him too. "You really brought me these two," he said, "I didn't think you had it in you boy."

Alain grunted his teeth, "People underestimate me."

"Indeed they do,"

He looked at the two prisoners and then back at the white haired half dead man, "I kept my deal of the bargain—"

"Indeed you did."

"—it's time for you to honour yours."

Lysander nodded, "Of course but..." he glanced at Grace with a whimsical look, "what's the rush?"

"I'll tell you what the rush is!" She tried to move forwards but the magnetic field around her ankles and the wrists only made her move backwards.

"I told you it doesn't work!" He said, "James designed it and it has no flaw!"

"And I told you I don't need you advice!"

"You didn't say it!"

"Well I am now!"

"Enough!" Alain roared, the roughness in his voice was more denser than before, "stop bickering!"

"Why what's the problem?" Lysander quirked, "it's quite a show, an old married couple... it's adorable."

"We're not married!" The two of them howled at the same time.

Lysander hit his head playfully, "Of course not, I would never let an Oak marry into the Nobel house of Van Black... we're the last of the Blacks, we have to have some respect don't we?"

It took Charlus some time to understand the dept of what he'd said. Alain and Grace were of the last members of the Van Blacks, unless of course Serena had a child and decided to give it her name.

"What do you mean 'we'?" He asked.

Lysander looked at Grace with an innocent grandfather expression. "You haven't told him?"

Grace refused to face either of them and so did Alain.

"Told me what?" He asked yet again.

Lysander got up. Creaks echoed in the air as his cane hit the roughness of the cave. He walked over towards Charlus and placed his cold dead metal hands on his cheek. He couldn't help but resist the urge to bit his nose off.

"Why do you think the Van Black's are discredited?"

Charlus didn't answer, he wasn't fond of where the conversation was going.

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