Chapter 61:- Brian the Brainy Brain

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"Where did they go?" Serena slammed her hands on the breakfast table.

Alain's jaw was open and his cereal spoon was hanging mind way in the air when Serena dropped in, his eyes widened in surprise at her sudden outburst.

"Where is who?"

"Don't you dare deny," her nostrils were flaring in anger, "you attended that meeting with Ash and Charlus, where did they go?"

"What meeting?" He tried to act aloof, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb," she cursed, "it's been days! Why aren't they here yet?"

Alain shrugged, "Maybe the mission is too long."

"Ash said it was of a few hours!"

The ebony-haired frowned at the blonde, "Why would Ash tell you that?"

Serena groaned in frustration as she walked out of there. Ash wasn't supposed to tell her about his 'secret mission' but he did anyway. It was a bummer when she went to confront every official on the Center.

How do you know? They would always ask.

Of course, Serena didn't know what was going on, she just had a feeling. A dark, ominous sense of foreboding that something horrible was happening to someone... to Ash.

She'd decided to go to Alain when she ran out of options. He was her last choice and he failed her spectacularly.

She went straight to her room to draw up a plan or anything remotely similar to one. But as soon as she settled down on the bed, the door to her room opened in a jiffy.

On the other end stood Gary Oak.

"Can't you knock?" She sighed.

"I can but..." he quickly locked the door, "there was no time."

"Time for what?" She shifted to make space for him.

Gary sat down next to her, his breath was elevated. "I know that you'll think I'm insane but—"

"There is something wrong," Serena completed, "with Ash."

Gary looked at her in amazement, "And my father but he's a second thought... you're correct but... how'd you know?"

"He told me about his mission, said it was only for a few hours. It's been days!"

The brunet frowned, "Why would he tell you and not me?"

Serena played out every scenario in her head but at the end of every single one, Gary Oak found out about their relationship. Ash would certainly kill her if she was the one who told his best friend but there was no sense in hiding it anymore.

"Because we're... friends?"

"I'm his best friend!"

The blonde rolled her eyes, "Do you want to go into the details?"

Gary gulped, he did want to get to the depths but right then it wasn't important.

"What was the mission?" He asked.

"Rescuing Spencer Hale."

"Spencer's been kidnapped!?"

She shushed him, "Yell louder, I don't think anyone heard you!"

Gary paid her sarcasm no heed. He'd gone to ask Joanne about updates on Ash and his father when he'd overheard her talking to his grandmother in the conference room.

'What about the tooth?' Joanne had said, her voice was alarmed with worry.

'Spencer isn't one of ours, he doesn't have it.'

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