Chapter 41:- Into the Unown- Part 2

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Dawn was exhausted, the baby in her arms wouldn't stop crying.

"Please stop crying!" She found herself saying, "baby please! Mama is begging you!"

But the little girl wouldn't. Dawn helplessly walked around the nursery which was decorated in the shape of a beautiful Pokemon, it was dark blue and had the most beautiful antlers in the color of blue, yellow, red, and pink.

It was a legendary Pokemon, though Dawn had never seen it, she knew it meant a great deal. After all, the baby's name was after the Fairy Pokemon.

"Sweetie stop crying!" She begged the baby, "baby, mama is tired!"

But the baby kept on crying. Dawn cried with her.

But then, the door to the nursery opened.

"Come on!" Cried Gary, behind him was a void of different colors, "let's go!"

Dawn looked down at the baby, she was still crying. "I have to get her to stop crying," she said, "otherwise she'll stay up all night long!"

A frown appeared on Gary's face. "Dawn," he said in a calm voice, "concentrate on my voice and then look down again."

Dawn concentrated on his voice, his annoying throaty voice, and looked down. A scream escaped her lips as she found an unown in her arms.

"Come on! Let's go!" Gary cried, "let's go!"

By the time she realized what was happening, the room around her started to dissolve. The walls with the beautiful pain started to water down like smoke creeping down from a canister. Hundreds of unowns started to dissolve along with them. Dawn was going to throw up, she was sure of it.

"Don't just stand there dumbass!" He cried, "The floor is going to go down soon!"

It was too late by the time Dawn came to her senses, her full senses. The floor was dissolving and it was a bummer because she was standing on the floor.

Dawn ran towards Gary but it was too late, the floor between them was no more, there was only a void, a large gaping void.

"Jump!" Cried, Gary.

Dawn did what she was told to, but the void was too big. Gary's stretched arm was almost in her grasp but at the same time, it wasn't. Dawn slipped and fell into the void. But before a cry could escape her lips, Gary caught her arm.

"Don't... drop me!" She cried.

Gary was trying hard to maintain his balance as he tried to pull Dawn up. "You should try to drop a few pounds!"

"You're an asshole!"

"An asshole who's saving you right now!"

"Call it what you want to!" Dawn cried, "pull me up!"

Gary tried too but he couldn't, the unown he was balanced on, was juggling. When he ran away from his 'home' and 'parents', Gary was completely bewildered. The unowns dimensions was completely new to him, he had to move fast because the house was dissolving.

Gary didn't know whether it was his selflessness or innocence but an unown had flow right towards him, Gary stepped on him despite the gnawing gut feeling. The unown then carried him to Dawn and the nursery.

Her hand was slipping from his grasp, her cries did not help him think. "Please!" She kept saying, "please help me! I swear I'll do anything!"

That's when it hit him, it wasn't his innocence or selflessness. It was desperation that brought the unown to help him.

Desperation going to save you now, blue popsicle.

And so it did, out of nowhere an unown settled beneath Dawn, helping her up. Her face was red and blotchy from all the crying and her grip was so tight on Gary's hand that he feared he might lose it due to the lack of oxygen.

Dawn was struggling to maintain her balance, she fell a couple of time but luckily for her, she had Gary by her side. He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her from falling over.

"It... that..." Dawn was on the verge of crying, "it..."

"I know," said Gary, "now, well, however, are you going to repay me?"

He had a mischievous smile on his face. Dawn knew she was screwed after taking just one look at it.

"You didn't do anything!" She said, "it was the unown!"

"Who do you think called it?"

"Whatever! Let's go!"

Gary looked around, "Where?"

"Out of here!"

Gary sighed, "You were the one who brought us here!"

Dawn clenched her fist, it was true that she was the one who brought him here, but she had no other choice. After Gary lashed at her for no reason at all, Dawn used her UER receiver to track down m-unowns but then she was distracted by a noise that seemed to be coming from the alleyway.

It was a baby's cries.

But no one else seemed to be affected by it, they kept on living their boring-Pokemon-less lives. Dawn followed the voice and found the wall and as soon as she crossed it, Dawn found the nursery and the crying baby.

"I... I have no idea." She breathed, "how... how did you find me?"

Desperation... he wanted to answer.

"Stumbled on, I guess." He lied.

"Well, how do we stumble out?"

Gary chewed his lower lip. "I have no idea."

Dawn and Gary swore they wouldn't speak of what they saw... what they witnessed in the UER dimension again when they got out of the dimension.

"It's... it was just one unown," Dawn said heavily, "Gary it was just one unown."

Gary was too troubled by what he saw in the dimension to answer the bewildered girl.

The room, the blood, and the screams.

The cries, the fights, and the spats.

The truth or a version of it.

Serena and Ash, Gary and Charlus, Grace and Charlus, Grace and Delia, Ailsa and Samuel, Gary and Dawn, Gary and Ash, and the most disturbing of all... Gary and Serena.

Unowns mess with your mind, Spencer Hale had said.

Maybe it was all a hoax of them-unown, after all, it was written in Delia's book. They weren't like the normal ones, they had mutated. They were ancient, cruel, and... powerful.

"It... it was just a dream," Gary said as he got up, "don't... don't ever speak to anyone about it, ever again... we... we found the location of m-unown. It's... it's okay."

"But... Serena and Ash—"

"I said don't talk about it!" He screamed.

Dawn was taken aback but she didn't answer, she was shaken up too but not as much as Gary. If it wasn't for her, he would've gotten lost in the dimension forever.

Dawn offered him her hand, without any delay, he took it.

Just then, her intercom buzzed.

"What's... wrong?" He asked.

"They... the three of them found the unown." She sighed, "come on, we have to help him."

Gary had always thought that there was nothing worse than death, but as the two of them walked out of the alleyway, he rethought his options.

There were many things worse than death.

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