Chapter 48:- The Best Pilot

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The first thing Charlus did when Alain released him from the magnetron was to tackle the lying son of a bitch to the ground.

"Tell me!" He pressed a knife against his throat, "tell me why shouldn't I slit you carotid right now!"

Alain seemed pretty uninterested, a sigh escaped his lips as he said, "You think Lysander would come alone to capture Grace Van Black and Charlus Oak?"

"He called for backup?"

"He came with it, you idiot. The moment I captured you two he wanted to ransom you to the Xovier and kill you when they accepted the offer."

Charlus frowned, "Ransom for what?"

A smirk played across Alain's face, "Your mother."

Charlus dropped the knife almost immediately, "Why?"

Alain shrugged Charlus off his body, "She's a single woman leading the largest organization on the face of Earth, come on, be real."

Before Alain could have the chance to sit up, Charlus tacked him yet again. "How will I know you won't do the same? You betrayed us and him!" He pointed towards the dead lump on the floor of the cave.

The black-haired sighed yet again, "Because I—"

"Because I said so," said Grace.

Charlie immediately turned back and saw Grace step down from the magnetron, her face was pale and all out of the blood. Grace's steps were so feeble and weak that he had to catch her midway to avoid falling face first.

"How can you trust him after—" he pointed towards the magnetron and the dead body of her brother.

She was too weak to stand up, Charlus had held her firm with an arm around her waist. She tried to break free but the magnetron had sucked out off of her strength.

"It was all a plan," she put an arm around his shoulder for support.

"How do you know?"

"Because I told her," Alain dusted off snow and dirt from his clothes.

Charlus looked between the nephew and his aunt with a confusing look, "No, you didn't!"

"He did," she struggled to speak, "Alain called me tante, it's Kalosian for aunt."


"It's our code word, you tree!" Alain cursed, he walked towards Lysander and picked up his legs, dragging him towards the magnetron.

Grace smirked, "When he called me tante, I didn't quite catch it at first but then when he shot Lysander... I knew it."

Charlus was fuming with anger, "If this was your plan all along then why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because—" Alain locked Lysander's hands in the magnetron, he then moved to the legs, "—you're not an actor and I needed the pure expression of betrayal from both of you."

"It's not a family reunion unless there is seasonal suffering." Grace gave Alain a hi-five from the distance.

"That's... adorable, deeply dysfunctional but adorable," Charlus struggled to hold Grace, "what's your plan on getting us out of here, genius?"

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