I hallucinated, 2

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How long was I standing here, watching him? It felt like a long time, but it wouldn't have been longer than a few seconds. I turn around and walk to the dining table. There are already four plates filled with food, so I just have to sit down.

"Is there something wrong, Cira?" My mother asks the question but they all look at me.

I hesitate, "No, I was just daydreaming." I reply and force a smile.

Was it a daydream, a hallucination?

We all sit at the table and start eating. I don't listen to them talking about sports and work. We are eating Indian curry with vegetables and naan bread. Normally I love eating this but right now I don't enjoy the food at all.

Why aren't I screaming? Why didn't I react to a freaking wolf transforming into a boy? Why the hell did it feel like time stops when he looked into my eyes?

A wolf that turns into a boy is of course not possible. Maybe it was just a big dog, and a boy came standing there a little later. 

No, Cira, that's not true, I know what I've seen. That wolf transformed into a boy. Do I have to tell someone? My family won't believe me. They will think that I have gone crazy because they know that I love those fantasy stories so much. Maybe I can tell my best friend, Jade, tomorrow. She will believe me, right? Would I believe her if she told me that she had seen a wolf turn into a boy... no, probably not. I take another bite of my food.

"Cira, can you pass the coke?" Christina asks. I hand her the bottle and continue eating.

I don't know what he looked like, he was pretty far. The only thing I saw were his eyes. He saw me, he knows that I saw him.

After dinner we help clean up, then we go home. I noticed them looking at me a couple of times because I didn't act like I normally would. But it was not unusual enough for them to ask about it again.

Once I get home I immediately go to bed convincing my mom I was so quiet because I'm so tired. 

I close my eyes, hoping everything will become clear tomorrow.


When I arrive at school the next day I walk directly to my locker. I didn't sleep well last night. Those eyes keep appearing every time I try to close my eyes.

My best friends, Indira, Daniëlle, Jade, and Sylvana immediately walk over to me when they see me.

"Hey, Cira!" Indira shouts. I greet them with a hug and soon the stories about their vacations begin. I listen carefully, well I try to, I can't wait until I can tell Jade what happened yesterday. Am I going to tell her? I can just ignore it because it probably didn't happen at all. That's not true, I really did see it. I keep my eyes on the person who is talking so it looks like I'm listening.

When the bell rings we all go to class. Jade and I walk into the classroom, towards the back row. There are a couple of students sitting near the window. My attention doesn't stay long an them but is drawn back to telling Jade what I have seen yesterday. Is it really a big deal? I can just ignore it. If I tell her I can't act like it didn't happen anymore.

My eyes shoot at her when we sit down. She went to the hairdresser during the break. Previously her hair reached her lower back, now it is cut to about 20 centimeters over her shoulders. Her hair is orange-brown, a color that many people can't pull off but it suits her. Jade is, how do you say? A fearless type, she says everything that comes to her mind, even though it can sometimes come across as harsh. She always shows it if she disagrees with something. I have known her for two years now, in those two years, we became best friends.

"Jade I have to tell you something. It may sound a bit strange. "I say soft and slow.

She throws her hair over her shoulder and turns to look at me.  "Yes, I thought so, you were suspiciously quiet, what's up?" She looks at me curiously. I take my books out of my bag and then turn towards her.

I'm Just gonna say it. If I don't tell anyone I will drive myself insane.

"Yesterday I was visiting my aunt and she lives near a forest. I stood by the window and then I suddenly saw a wolf come out of the forest, but that wolf changed..." I stop talking. I realize how stupid the words that are about to leave my mouth sound.

''Yes, that wolf changed? "She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"That wolf turned into a boy." I nervously await her response. She laughs and smiles at me as if she's waiting for me to smile and say it was a joke. When I don't laugh, she looks surprised, then she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" Confusion all over her face when she notices I'm not kidding.

"Jade, I mean it." She remains silent for a moment because two girls are taking a seat in front of us. We all smile at each other, but then Jade continues.

"Cira, you think you have seen a werewolf? Are you on drugs or something?" Her eyes go over my face as if I could actually be on drugs and she is looking for my red eyes. If we weren't friends, she would have been making fun of me by now. She just looks at me with a frown on her face. I tell her every detail about the way his body changed and that he disappeared. I notice she doesn't believe me but at least she's listening.

"What are you going to do now?" She asks.

"There is really nothing I can do," 

She nods and we both turn around to face the teacher who just walked into the room.

Twice I see her look at me during class, she thinks I'm crazy and I don't blame her.

Telling her didn't really help. The fact that she doesn't even pretend she believes me shows how crazy this is. Then what the hell, did I daydream?

The rest of the week goes the same, I am confused but try not to express it. The more time goes by, the less I think about it. I just stopped reading stories and watching series about magical creatures. I'm convinced that I hallucinated, there is no other explanation for what happened. If it really was a ''werewolf'', I should have been killed, my memory should be erased or I should have been turned into a wolf because he saw me, right? That's what always happens in stories.

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