I'm not falling in love, 18

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He looks uncomfortable. A shiver goes down my spine. He said he was in control when he is in his wolf form. He has control over what he does. Does he kill people on purpose? And does she eat them? Am I walking next to a murderer now? A cannibal. I force my feet to walk on. I certainly did not want to know this. I have to stay as far away as possible from him. He knows me, will I be his next target the next full moon? I think I'm gonna be sick.

He suddenly looks at me as if I had said something.

"Wow calm down, I don't think your heart can beat any faster." He laughs and looks at me in surprise.

I still don't look back at him.

"I was kidding. We just eat normal food. If I'm a wolf it is usually no longer than a few hours, so I don't eat. If we are wolves for a longer time, I think we'll just hunt an animal in the forest," he explains, keeping his eyes on my face.

"Pff, okee,"

He was kidding, funny.

He smiles and shakes his head.

He heard my heart. I really didn't know what to do if he wasn't kidding. 

 ''No more questions?''

I think, I had so many but can't think of anything now.

''No not really.'' 

He nods.

''Ok, then you tell me something?''

''What do you want to know?''

My life isn't really as interesting as his is.

''Anything,'' He stares at me and I look back waiting for his question but he stays quiet. Well, this should be a good question if it's taking him so long. 

''Why do you walk to school? Even when you're walking on crutches?'' 

Oh, did not expect that.

''My mom suggests to bring every morning or that I should take the bus but I don't want that. I like walking.'' I smile and look around. ''It's peaceful, the sun is shining and it's always very quiet here. The crutches don't bother me as much as they did ad first.''  

It looks like he is gonna ask another question but stops himself. He just looks forward again and we walk on in silence. It's not an awkward silence but a nice one. 

Actually, there is a question, but that is another question that I don't know if he wants to answer.

"Okay, I actually have another question," I say. 

He nods and listens.

"How do you become a werewolf?"

He looks in de distance absently nodding his head.

"It is probably very different from the stories you know. You get some sort of a bruise. When it grows, you become more wolf. The bruise stops growing until you have completely turned. With some wolves, it takes very long, that means they have a bigger bruise." He doesn't seem to have a problem talking about this. So I ask another question.

"How is it possible that you are a werewolf and other people aren't?" 

He smiles "That's a long story."

"There are a few werewolves who have been living for hundreds of years. We call them the upper alphas. They were born as normal human beings. When they were about twenty years old it happened.
They weren't good people. They were criminals, they stole and abused people. One day they robbed a woman. She was old so they saw her as an easy target. They tried to get all her valuable stuff. But they were messing with the wrong woman. That woman suddenly starts whispering something weird. They did not understand what was happening so they just grabbed her stuff and run away. The old woman didn't just say anything, she cursed the boys. That night it was a full moon. The group of boys walked outside trough the forest, drunk, shouting and singing to each other. Until one of them suddenly falls to the floor and starts screaming in pain. His body took on the weirdest poses, moving in ways that shouldn't be possible. The boys tried to help their friend but they did not understand what was happening. Some ran away until they started to feel the same pain. Their cries echoed through the Forrest and village but no one could hear them except form the old woman. Their bones started cracking and their bodies started to deform in the most painful way. They were literally slaves to the moon. That is why that forest is also called "schiava della luna". '' 

''Slave of the moon,'' we say at the same time. My attention is completely owned by his story. He nods and continues.

''They are also the only people who can turn humans into werewolves. They did that then. The way they turned normal people is the same as your stories, a bite or a scratch. Those new werewolves had children who later became werewolves and so it went on, "he explains. 

"Are they still alive now?" 

''Not all of them. There were 7. One of them died during the first change. One of them committed suicide after the first full moon, 2 died when their family also died. There are now 3 still alive. Nobody knows where they are and what they do. It may be that they hide among people just like us. I know they are very dangerous and very strong." 

I feel the hairs on my arms stand upright. It could be someone you know, someone you see at the grocery store or a teacher, who is turned in to a wolf because of a curse. So there are beings that curse people. What would the upper alphas do if they find out that I am a Vini? We walk around the corner on a path along the road. 

"You don't only change at full moon, do you?" 

"No, but the moon gives you strength it pushes you to change. When you have completely changed you can change whenever you want, but you have to focus and have control over your body. For some of us, it's harder. They can't change on their own for a long time. You have to practice, it will eventually become easier. At the full moon, you change much easier. At the full moon, werewolves are at their strongest. Your senses are much more sensitive, we are much faster and stronger." He suddenly turns around. A car comes around the corner very fast. It is a black BMW that looks brand new. There's a boy in it, he looks like he is in his early 20s. The window rolls down and he stands still next to us.

"Ey Jason, we have to go." The boy says. His eyes shoot at me just for a second and then shoot back ar Jason. They stay still for a couple of seconds and I don't get why then Jason turns to me again.

 "Sorry, but I have to go." He says apologetically 

"No problem," I answer. When he wants to turn around, he stops and looks at me. 

"Uhm, I probably won't be at school for the rest of the week," he says with a teasing smile. 

I smile and remember what he is referring to. I roll my eyes and smile at him.

"Okay ... bye." 

He looks at me for a moment and then turns around and gets into the car. They drive away fast again. I walk home. He remembered my reaction when he wasn't at school for just one day. I thought he disappeared and got angry at him when I spoke to him again. Jesus why did I do that, that was so weird. 

Who was that boy? Was that someone from his pack? He now knows that we hang out. Will Jason be in trouble now? The boy in the car didn't seem angry or anything when he saw me. He, of course, does not know that I am the one who saw Jason change. Unless they have seen a picture of me, but I don't think that is the case.

 So I am a Vini, Cira is a magical creature, ha, weird. Jason already knew. He didn't tell his family. Why is he protecting me? There is something else going on but I really don't know what. Do I want to know? No, not really, I think being a magical creature is enough for now. 

After dinner, I change my clothes and sit on my bed. I have already shown my mother and sister that my ankle is doing better. I do my homework quickly. My thoughts constantly wander off, not to what Jason said, but just Jason himself. How he came to apologize for that one morning, that smile on his face when I said he was handsome, how he stopped Dimelo, that he again made sure I didn't fall. His reaction to Danielle. How he reacted when I told what I thought I was, how he later acted against Ashley, how he laughed and spoke. I get a smile on my face and let myself fall back on my bed.

I'm not gonna fall in love, I can't, I shouldn't.

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