No sleep, 27

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The next morning when I wake up I am still tired. Today is Sunday, I don't have much to do, be honest, I have nothing to do. My sister is already at work. I hear the TV downstairs, so my mother is already up. I hear footsteps coming into my room. I quickly pretend to sleep.

"Sisi, are you coming for breakfast?" It's Celly, he stands near my door and stays silent until I open my eyes.

He really is a sweet kid, but this happens every weekend. Does having a younger sibling really means that you can never sleep in. I get up, hug him and walk down with him on my back.

My mom, brother and I eat breakfast. When where done my mom drops Celly of at the neighbor's house he is gonna play with his best friend Anna. When she is back I hear the back door open. She probably goes to the studio to continue with one of her paintings.

In the afternoon I sit down at my desk to start my homework. When I look in my school bag I see the diary. I totally forgot about that book. I take it out and put my bag on the floor again. The 4 lines of texts are still there but in different places. I scroll back and forth through the booklet hoping that new text will appear again. But, unlike the first time I looked in the book, no new text appears. I leave it open on my desk. Occasionally I browse through the pages but nothing changes.

"Bzzz," The screen of my phone turns on. Message from Indira, asking which T-shirt looks better. I press my phone off again and look back at the booklet. I see a black ink appear on the page I left it on.

I am not a normal human being he said. Elegast told me that there was someone like me before, he called her a Vini.

Vini? I go over the letters with my fingers. Is this book gonna be my guide for being a Vini? Someone or thing put it there for me to find. I close the book and put it away in my closet.

After dinner, I go upstairs and crawl into my bed but I can't sleep. Who put that book there? Who dropped it? So there are more people who know about me.

Another question comes in. What did Jason tell his family yesterday? Valentina told me they were going to talk. Would he have told them about me being a Vini? What is going to happen now? I hope Jason will be at school tomorrow. Would it mean anything if he isn't? Maybe he and his family are now planning something maybe they are telling all their werewolf friends about me. I try to sleep but my mind keeps filling with such thoughts. I don't want to think about this at all. I lie down, changing positions every few seconds. If I go to sleep I will probably dream about it, them attacking me, dreams will seem much more realistic and I don't want that. It is best to stay awake then.

It is already half-past three, in three hours my alarm will go off. I close my eyes because I can't keep them open. I make sure that I don't fall asleep. Those 2 handwritings are from the 2 Vinis who have lived before. This book only gives me information. Someone want to help me? I am now in the state of being awake and asleep. I am awake but I have no control over my thoughts.

I see Jason, he looks a little younger now. He is sitting at the dining table and looking emotionless and tired. He stays that way for a long time. Days, weeks, months pass and he is staring unhappily in his hands. I stay that way for a long time until I suddenly hear my mother walking down the stairs.  It is already half-past five, that's the time she always gets up. One more hour, I really can't stop myself anymore and drift off.

At half-past six my alarm clock rings but my body is too tired to respond. I have never been late to class before and I am not going to ruin that now. I throw my legs over the edge of my bed but then fall flat on my stomach. Ouch, okay fine I am awake now. I'm getting ready to go to school.

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