Wedding preparations, 45

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I notice that they all have tattoos. On Nathan's back are 2 large angel wings, as big as his whole back. Justin and Joshua, both have a text on their side rips. Not the same text but the same font and the same place. Jake has no tattoos and Jason has the dragon. 

On their lower back, they have a kind of bruise. Jason told me that you get a sort off bruise when you start to turn and that it will grow till you turn on your own. One larger than the other.

Aiden counts down on his hands and they get small, ready to start.

''3, 2, 1, Go!" He takes a quick step aside. 

I lean forward so I see it better. Jason lets himself fall forward. Before he hits the ground he has already changed into his wolf shape, to quick for my eyes to follow. He runs into the woods, followed by the others.

Jake is the fastest after him, then Josh, then Nathan and then Justin. 

Justin's change is slower than Jason's so it can really see it happen. The hair, the ears, the tail his face transforms into a wolf face.

"Wow," I say amazed.

"Yes?" Valentina looks at me questioningly. Ohw, of course, she can't see it.

"Yes,'' I nod and turn to her. ''You see the hair coming and the face-changing and everything," I say. She smiles at my reaction.

Valentina explains a few things about tomorrow while they are gone.

We look again at the field and see a wolf running on the grass.  He slows down but doesn't stop till he is in the forest again. He walks out between the trees in his human form again. It's Jason. 

I smile and start to clap, luckily the rest participates too. Aiden hugs him and slaps him a little too hard against his shoulder. Jason's father looks proud and the rest of the family seems happy too.

Jason also laughs and looks a little shy at the ground while everyone cheers him on.

Nathan is the next one to return. After him, the 3 others come back at the same time. They all change back to humans. They clap and smile at Jason patting him on the shoulder and hugging him. He justs smiles and thank them, being modest.

They are all muscular, one more than the other. Nathan is the most muscular, not in a big bodybuilder way but in a sinewy body way. He is thinner than the others but all you see is muscular, it looks a little creepy.

They all look like they spend a lot of their free time in the gym. But Jason looks the best, nice arm, abs, chest, he turn around now so I can see his back, with his tattoo. He is the first one to put his shirt back on. That's a shame.

 Aiden looks at his phone and opens his mouth like he wanna say something.

"I'm going to bring a few things to the wedding hall. I'll be right back." He says. The boy turns to him. 

"We'll help," says Joshua. The others nod an follow his lead. Everyone walks to a house to get stuff. 

"What can we do?" I ask Valentina who looks a little surprised by my question.

"I will ask." She stands up and walks to her mother. A few of the men walk to the houses. Probably to tell them what they should and should not bring. 

Valentina turns around, facing me. "We can put the plates in boxes, they are in the kitchen." She says and points inside. 

While we are packing the plates, we are talking about the wedding. She shows pictures of how Julia wants us to have our hair. I look around the room, it is really a beautiful house. The walls are all off-white except for one wall that is brown. Jason and Aiden arrive exactly the moment we put the last plates in the box. Aiden walks straight to the living room and Jason leans against the back of the couch and looks in our direction. 

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