New boy, 3

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The next day, I wake up to the sunlight shining in my face. After a week, I didn't dream about that boy from the forest and luckily I didn't see his scary eyes again. Well, the eyes aren't scary but the thing they belong to and the way they affected me are. I feel rested, ready to be my normal self again.

I pick up my phone to see what time it is, 6:50 AM. My alarm would have gone off in 10 minutes. I get ready quickly, pack my bag and then head to school.

When I arrive at school, my friends are standing in the hall. When I approach them, I can hear what they are talking about. Something about a boy. I don't bother asking about it. It's not uncommon for us to talk about boys.

"Hey girls, can we go to the restroom for a moment?" I ask. I want to fix my hair quickly. They nod and walk along.

Indira continues talking: "Cira there is a new boy at school," she says with a big smile as she eats a cookie.

The image of the green-brown eyes flashes through my mind by hearing the words new boy.

My heartbeat starts rising instantly, is he here? But why? What will happen when he sees me?

No way it's him, I'm over this weird werewolf stuff. I push the thought away before I start obsessing again.

"Yes, we just saw him with Mr. van Dijk," Sylvana continued while she put her long curly hair in a ponytail.

"He's so hot!" Daniëlle almost shouts as the rest nod in agreement. I laugh and then look at Jade.

She shrugs her shoulder. "Haven't seen him yet."

"Well, I'm curious now," I say. Jade nods in agreement.

If Daniëlle thinks a boy is handsome, it doesn't mean much because she thinks all boys who are a bit athletic and have light eyes are. But now that the rest says so, he must be.

I put my hair in a bun and Jade touches up her mascara.

"Next month, the new Taylor Lautner movie will be released. We'll all go to the cinema, right?" Asks Indira. She leans against the wall, adjusting the leather jacket she is wearing.

"You know it's not a Twilight-like movie, right? It's is an action / no fantasy movie, quite the opposite." Jade says and looks at her.

Sylvana is smiling. "She doesn't care, she only wants to watch Taylor, just like Cira.''

I smile, "Duh."

When the bell rings, we walk to class, dutch class again. Jade and I are back in the same seats we sat in last week. We directly start taking notes. Our teacher talks about the different types of verbs and words and how to use them correctly. After a while, she lets us work on some exercises. I look around at the other students. After this hour, we have a mentoring hour. The lesson was canceled last week, so we must introduce ourselves today.

Fifteen minutes before the bell rings, there is a knock on the door Mr. van Dijk walks in.

"Good morning, sorry to interrupt, but I want to ask if I can speak with Cira Badal." He first looks at Mrs. Lisse asking her for permission before looking at me.

Jade and I look at each other in surprise. Why would he want to talk to me? I quickly think about whether I have done something that isn't allowed. I laugh at my thoughts as if that would ever happen. No, that's not it. Maybe my mother called and something is wrong.

"Yes, of course," Mrs. Lisse says kindly. I put my books in my bag and follow Mr van Dijk. He gives me a small smile and starts walking down the hallway. He walks ahead and doesn't say anything. Now I start to get nervous, is he going to say something or what? Before I realize it I already start scratching my nail polish.

When we enter the hallway there is a boy, probably the new boy because I don't recognize him. Yeah, I get why Danielle likes him, just by looking at his clothing and body build. I can't see his face yet because he looks down, at his phone screen. He looks like a boy who cares about his looks and lives in the gym. I guess our school has gained a player. When we are standing before the boy, Van Dijk starts talking.

"This is Jason, he is new here. I wondered if you want to give him a tour?" Mr. van Dijk looks at me hopefully. Why is he asking me? Some students sign up for things like this.

"Uhm ... yes, sure." Rather this, than working on spelling and grammar.

The boy looks up. He has slightly tanned skin and beautiful white teeth. When I see his eyes, my body is petrified. 

No, this is not happening.

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