Untouchable, 25

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Jason's mother died, how and when? I'm watching him, smiling and running with the ball. I can't imagine that he felt that way for so long.  I always had the images of him being so strong, nothing can bring him down...him being untouchable. I was wrong, he is mostly human after all. His family hadn't seen him laugh for years. 

"What happened to his mother?" Something suddenly comes to my mind. "No, never mind, they can hear us," I whisper. I don't know if Jason wants Valentina to tell me about this.

Valentina looks at me and nods. "Yes, you never know when they are listening." She rolls her eyes and throws her hair over her shoulder. She has different shades of brown in her hair.

"Did you dye your hair, it's really pretty.''

"Thank you, no, this is my natural hair, have you dyed your hair?" Her eyes are now shooting at my hair.

"No, don't think I'm going to do that." I answer. I have seen so many videos of people with dark her trying to color their hair going wrong, that I don't even wanna try it/

"This color, black, looks great on you." she smiles kindly.

I smile back, "Thank you," 

We are talking about the latest hair models. She doesn't believe it when I tell her that people a school walk around with blue and pink hair.  

Celly walks up to the other boys. When Jayden sees that, he kicks the ball a bit slower. Celly stops and says something. I can't hear what he is saying, it will be something about him wanting to join them. Jason now has the ball and stops when Celly walks on the field. He smiles and kicks the ball very slowly towards Celly. Celly kicks the ball back but he doesn't go further than 3 meters. Jason walks to the ball and kicks to Celly again. The others don't seem to want to play like that. Jayden says something to Jason but Jason shakes his head and keeps playing with Celly. The others walk on and continue to play soccer. Tyler had given Jayden two balls to see which one was better. Jason turns a bit so that he is in front of the goal. Celly shoots in the goal's direction, Jason deliberately turns the other way so the ball goes in. Valentina and I both clap and Celly laughs cheerfully.

Valentina asks a few questions about school. I tell her about the different students, about the teachers, the classes, the tests and almost everything that can be told about school. She remains interested and listens to the most boring things. The excitement goes away when I'm talking about friends, meeting, and working together. She never had the chance to make friends. Should I ask her if she wants to join my friends the next time? I think they will all like each other, she would fit in the group well. Maybe that's not a good idea my friend would think it's weird that I hang out with Jason his family/friend and I don't think she is allowed to. I can ask if she wants to meet up, just girl talk?

"Would you like to hang out sometime? We can do whatever you want." I ask, not sure if she wants to.

Her eyes light up, "Yes that would be nice, "she says with a hesitant smile. 

On Wednesday, I'm always done with class early. I would have reason to come here. My mother will take something with her or she will forget something at Christina's.

 "Wednesday afternoon?'' She looks lost in thoughts and kind of uncomfortable. Just when I want to say that we don't have to hang out she starts talking.

"Yes that fine, I have class until 1 am but after that, I'm free." Her enthusiasm is contagious. She smiles brightly again.

"Okay on Wednesday half-past one here?" She nods in agreement.

Jason and Celly sit on the grass and look at the clouds. Celly gets up again and runs to the ball. He wants to kick the ball again but misses and falls. I want to get up to help him, just out of reflex. Jason is already walking towards him so I stay put. He squats down and lifts Celly up. He wipes the grass off his clothes and says something. I can tell that Celly wants to cry. He cries very quickly. Jason tickles him on his belly and he laughs again.

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