Hang out, 28

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I walk in the school with a mission, telling Jason someone else knows about him too. I have no idea what will happen when I do wand what his reaction will me. I like the way we are now, talking like normal people. I don't want it to change, him being mad at me and not trusting me anymore. The sooner I've said it, the sooner I'll know. 

I walk into the school and put my coat in my locker. I concentrate on what the teacher say and listen to Jade talking about how boring it was to be sick. 

When the lunch-breaks start I walk to the hall and see Jason sitting on the same bench he was sitting yesterday with that girl. Only now there are 4 junior girls in front of him. They are all laughing and the middle one with the hoodie dress on is talking. Jason leans against the table and listens to what they have to say. 

I doubt if I have to wait until they are gone or just go. I walk to the bench but the girls are standing in front of Jason so I can't see him.

"Excuse me... sorry,'' I say while squeezing myself among the girl without waiting for an answer. The girl with the hoodie stopped talking and they all look at me irritated.

''Do you have a minute?'' When Jason sees me his eyes light up. 

"Always for you. "He says and stands up. 

Wow, he is in a good mood, which I'm gonna ruin in a minute. I smile briefly and walk in the direction of the bench we sat on yesterday.

"Sorry," I hear him say too the girls.

''Jason, I have to tell you something." My serious tone makes his face change, he now also looks serious again.

"What is it?" He asks and sits down.

"Well, um ..." This is harder than I thought. The guild starts growing. I stare at him, seeing the concern in his eyes.

''Are you feeling OK?'' he asks when I sat silent. 

Cira just tell him. I can't look at him while I say it so I look down to the floor. 

"There is someone else who knows about you." I don't look up till I hear him say: "Ohw ..."
That's all he says. I look up at him looking at his hands with a straight face. He doesn't look mad, he looks emotionless.

"The first time I saw you was the weirdest moment of my life. I didn't know what to do. I had to tell someone. That person I told didn't really believe me. When you came to school, I panicked. I told that person that you were the boy I saw in the forest, but from that moment on I decided not to say anything anymore. I said I was mistaken and I think that person believes it. 

His facial expression didn't change while I was talking. He still doesn't look at me and looks lost in thoughts. This is worse than him being mad at me. I feel so stupid right now for telling someone.

"Sorry, I didn't expected this to happen. If I could do something to make it right I would." 

I keep looking at his face, hoping he will say something.

"It is logical that you have told someone. You saw something that doesn't exist in your world. That person only knows that you once thought I was a werewolf. That is hard to prove. "I nod. 

"Okay then it's not that bad, I guess. She knows it quite a while now and she hasn't told anyone yet. And if she did, nobody would believe her. "Jason still looks doubtful. 

 He's not mad, Weird. After a few seconds, I see a small smile appear on his lips.

"But yes, there is something you can do to make it up to me." He finally looks at me,  I have no idea what he is talking about. It's not that I can erase her memory or something, can it? 

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