Chapter 1 Blockbuster......Seriously.

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Authors note: Good morning, I hope you slept well. I decided to post this super early in the morning so everyone has a nice sleep. If you haven't read my previous story, then you might be a bit confused as to how they got to this point, so I urge you to go back and read it. I hope you enjoy this chapter, as I tried to make it as funny and cute as possible. Also, the pic is kind of a day in the life of David after adopting Max, I hope you like it because I stole it and can't remember were from.....

    David started balling his eyes out as soon as he walked out of the counselor's cabin.

"Jesus Christ David, the camp is only shutting down for the summer, no one died!" Gwen said annoyed as she pushed past him. David had been crying all night and was utterly inconsolable.

"Hey, Gwen," Max said as he walked over. He had his bag slung over his shoulder as per usual. He packed over a week ago and had been carrying around his bag of stuff ever since. He couldn't wait to get away from this fucking camp.

"I just can't believe camp is already over!" David said as he bawled some more.

"You own the camp!" Max snapped at him. "If you miss the camp so damn much then you can always just come back for a campout!" Max sighed as he realized that was probably going to be every single weekend of the rest of his entire fucking life. Why did he have to pick David as his Dad, now he'd be stuck at this camp every fucking year!

"Promise?" David asked. Max sighed as he realized the only way to get David to stop crying would be to promise to come back to this fucking camp every time he missed it.

"Promise....." Max said resigned to his never-ending torture of a summer camp.

"Oh, Max!" David scooped max into a hug that smashed their cheeks together nice and tight. Max resisted the urge to hug back, even though seeing David happy actually made him feel almost.....weird like he was actually feeling joy, but he was still Max, so he figured it would pass eventually.

David kept Max in the hug a bit longer then Max was normally comfortable with, but for some reason, Max never wanted David to let go. He silently cursed himself for actually enjoying hugs from David of all people.

"You two are so adorable as father and son!" Gwen said as she quickly took a picture on Max's digital camera.

"Delete that immediately!" Max snapped as he ripped the camera away. He quickly looked at the picture and froze for a second as he realized it was actually a pretty good picture. He secretly put it under locked files and turned off the camera.

"Well, I'm sure that once we get you settled into our new home you won't even miss camp one bit!" David said as he ruffled Max's hair. Max merely growled and fixed his hair when David was done.

"Yeah, I'm absolutely sure of that...." Max said as he pretended not to notice David playing off his sorrow as something of pity.

"I'm just glad the goodbye party went well," Gwen said. "The campers all seemed to really have fun, which is saying something considering how our parties usually go."

"That's mostly because we tied you and David to the flagpole again," Max said as he recalled the memory. He got a lot of pictures. He didn't understand why, but he felt like he had to preserve this summer forever. It's probably because it was the first time he ever had memories that didn't make him wanna throw up or kill small animals.

"Well the parents should be arriving in just a few hours," Gwen said unusually happily. "Then I can finally get out of this fucking hellhole and get a real job!"

"Gwen, I just wanted to let you know that in my heart we'll always be CBFLS," David said as he put a hand on Gwen's shoulder. Gwen ripped his hand away with a smile.

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