Chapter 5 David starts a school

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Authors note: Is my upload schedule pissing anyone off? Because last I checked it's pretty much all over the place. I do it when I remember so sorry for being super fucking annoying. at least you get to read this chapter whenever you want. 

Max slipped on his hoodie and looked in the mirror as David tried to comb his hair.

"David, you've lost three combs already, just give up." Max said annoyed. David was really persistent about making Max looked good for his first day at his new school. He wanted Max to make lots of new friends, mostly so he wouldn't have to deal with Nikki peeing on the carpet all the time.

"I almost have it!" David said as he aggressively ran the comb through his hair. He smiled when he finally managed to get a tiny bit done. Max's hair suddenly came alive and returned to its original position almost growling as it moved making David's face turn white.

"Can I go now?" Max asked.

"uhh....I guess so." David said as he looked at Max's hair with fear.

"Thank god." Max said as he stormed down the stairs into the main area of the blockbuster store. David followed after him with a smile on his face.

"Have a good day at school son!" David said happily as Max stormed out of the front doors to the nearby bus stop.

"Fuck off David." Max shouted back.

"That means he loves me!" David said with starry eyes.

"It does?" Gwen asked confused.

"I can't wait for him to come home and tell me all about his first day of school!"


David stared at the burning building with shock on his face. A ton of children were running around screaming as firefighters tried to fight the blaze.

"I'm gonna be honest....." Max said as he scratched his head. "I didn't really see that coming until at least the end of the week." He shrugged as he looked at the blaze. "At least you can read all about my first day from the police report."

"Lab....lab safety.....lab.....lab safety." Max's science teacher muttered to himself nearby. He was rocking back and forth with most of his hair singed off.

"I blame Neil." Max said as several police officers walked up.

"Hey, don't put this on me, I just said you could create nitroglycerin with....."

"How was I supposed to know nitroglycerin did that?!" Max snapped over him.

"If you would have let me finish then I could have told you!" Neil snapped back.

"Imma be honest, It was probably our fault." Nikki said.

"Where not even sure where the fire started." The cop said as he shook his head. "It sounds like nearly everyone here accidently caused it."

"Hey, I only set the bathroom on fire like....twice." Nerf said.

"If you can't do an ollie over a gas pipe, then it's totally not up to code." Erid defended herself.

"Those theater curtains were far too flammable, how am I supposed to make proper explosion effects, if everything burns down after every performance!" Preston said annoyed.

"I needed the bolts from the gas pipe for mein sculpture!" Dolph said as he gestured toward a thing made of clay that looked alot like hitler, if a bit deformed.

"I thought it was flash paper." Harrison said.

"Your an idiot Harrison!" Nerris said. "At least I set that brazier on fire on was I supposed to know it was fake......"

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