Chapter 10 Suger free apocalypse

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    Max came down the stairs from the blockbuster storeroom. He sipped his cup of coffee as David nailed boards up to the wall. Max sighed as David was about to go on one of his weird flights of fancy again.

"David, what are you doing?" Max asked as he sipped his coffee in annoyance.

"I'm getting our store ready for the invasion!" David said with a smile. "It's always best to be prepared when under siege!"

"So...." Max looked around. "When's school starting?"

"It's been canceled for the apocalypse," David said with a smile.

"Okay...." Max said as he walked back up the stairs. He stopped when he noticed Preston and Dolph standing outside knocking on the door. He walked over and opened the shittly nailed down door and stared at them. "What?"

"We're here for school," Preston said.

"Schools cancelled." Max replied. "Get lost."

"That's not what mein parents said," Dolph said. "They said that they received a prank phone call about diabetics, but assumed it was a joke."

"Oh dear," David said as he looked at his new charges. "I don't know If I have enough supplies for all of you....." David thought about it for a moment and came to a conclusion. "I'm gonna go out for some supplies. I'll be right back."

"Well, today might be mildly interesting." Max mused as he sipped his coffee. He figured David would spend the whole day jumping at his own shadow, I mean, what moron actually thinks diabetics are going to cause an apocalypse?


A small sign next to the clinic showed that it was open for business. The small clinic mall was where everyone got their medicine, even Max visited once to see how much getting Max caught up on his shots was. It was still out of Davids price range, but he got the really serious ones out of the way so at least Max won't get polio.

The sign also talked about a new drug trial that supposed to completely regulate diabetic blood sugar, and theoretically allow them to get a better sense of when their blood sugar is high or low by making it so they can feel it. It had several side effects.....

"Hungry!" the door suddenly slammed open as several people came out with salivating mouths and hunger in their eyes. They came out into the food court pushing people out of the way and eating their food even as other people protested.

"What's happening?" A fast food employee asked.

"Close the door!" The manager said as he quickly ripped down the metal grate as all the diabetics approached.

"Do you have anything that's sugar-free?" One of the diabetics asked. "I'm watching my weight, and I'm so hungry!"

"Oh no they're gonna eat me!" The employee said as she ran into the back room. She suddenly stopped when she saw one of the cooks eating some fries straight out of one of the fryers.

"Billy....are you..."

"Hungry!" the man said as he suddenly.

"Oh god it's spreading!" the woman screamed as she ran out of the back room.


Max opened the door and allowed Eird and space kid into the blockbuster. Clearly, none of the parents actually listened to Davids call, as all the campers had already arrived.

"Hey Erid, hey space kid," Max said. "Everyone's in the theater, oh and Davids having another breakdown."

"Cool." Erid said as they walked into the theater. Neil had his whole desk set up and perfectly organized, ready for another school day. He even measured the optimum distance his pencils should be away from his paper for maximum efficiency. He then looked over several of the books and placed them in the optimum places for each subject and the order Gwen commonly taught them. Nikki then flipped his table.

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