Chapter 8 Nerris is such a nerd

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    Max slammed his face into the table immediately as David forced him to sit down. Nerris sat at the head of the table with her cape on and a large set of dividers in front of her face. The table was decorated with a large mat covered in lines like graph paper. Nikki, Neil, and David all sat at the table with her, even Max who hated everything about being here!

"Be more careful," Nerris said. "You knocked over your wizard! And the dice are going everywhere!"

"Why are you making me do this?" Max asked David annoyed.

"Nerris still hasn't found a group of friends that will play her....whatever this game is." David said.

"Dungeons and dragons!" Nerris said suddenly. "Or D&D for short!" Nerris smiled before backing away. "I'm going to need lots of practice if I'm going to be a successful dungeon master one day!"

"Exactly!" David said with a smile. "And I think it's high time that everyone took a little time to support Nerris's dreams!"

"But I want her to fail!" Max snapped at David.

"I think it will be fun!" Neil said.

"Nerd!" Nikki yelled as she pointed at his face.

"Hush now, It's time for me to tell you tale, of an evil....." Nerris tried to start her story.

"Wizard." Max interrupted.

"Er....warlock!" Nerris said annoyed. "He rules over a dark continent of Le-eldor."

"How do you spell that?" Max asked.

"Shut up!" Nerris snapped annoyed. "It's not going to be any fun if you keep ruining it with by talking over me!"

"Fine." Max said as he grumbled.


The dark continent of Le-eldor was ruled by a cruel and terrible wizard, bleeding the lands dry of it's precious life force for his own power. In response to this grave and terrible threat, the governments of the world came together to create a great army of a thousand ships to invade the shores of Le-eldor, defeat the terrible wizard, and divide it's lands equally among them, but the invasion was met by strong resistance.

A single ship came sailing through the air as a terrible typhoon of pure magic eviscerated the great armada. It crashed to the ground leaving pure destruction in its wake. Three heros, and one dwarf climbed out of the wreckage.

"Why am I the dwarf?" Max asked annoyed.

"Don't argue with the dm!" Nerris replied annoyed.

"I think you look great as a dwarf?" David said as he climbed out the wreckage dressed as a bard.

"Why the fuck did we bring a bard?" Max asked. "Shouldn't we be military or something?"

"I think I look great!" Nikki said. She was a fierce warrior elf riding on her killer unicorn darkness.

"That's too op Nikki!" Nerris complained.

"Fine." Nikki said annoyed as her killer unicorn disappeared. "I miss my murder baby."

"I'm just an alchemist." Neil said as he climbed out. "I'm not even sure what an alchemist does, but I'm an alchemist."

"Alchemist seak to quantify magic and focus on crafting and creating useful things without any of the wilder aspects of magic." Nerris explained.

"Then I'll roll to craft a gun." Neil said.

"What, you can't do that!?" Nerris complained.

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