Chapter 11 The Halloween special no one asked for.

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Authors note: the return of an OC that no one asked for. 

    "Mom, I'm going out to play!" A small demon boy said as he ran out the door into the pits of burning and screaming souls.

"Okay, but don't let the neo-nazis near you." His mother yelled after him.

"I won't," Timmy said as he ran with a grenade in hand. He ran past the burning pits of screaming souls, trampling several neo-nazis stuff along the way.

This area was kind of a fixer-upper, with floors made of bones, and the screams of nazis filling the air. The trees were made out of human skin and fully grown, so no need to worry about paving issues on the streets. The best part was the wonderful stench of decay on the air at all times. It's the perfect place to go on vacation if you're the evil type.

Timmy laughed as he tossed a human skull into a pit of flames, but suddenly stopped when he saw another young boy sitting on top of a pile of bones.

"Fucking asshole." The boy muttered as he recalled his judgment. The church was full of a bunch of racists, and besides, he didn't mean for them to be trapped inside when he set it on fire. Then again he also didn't mean to run into traffic while running from the police either, today really just wasn't his day.

"What's wrong?" Timmy asked as he walked up to the mildly upset boy.

"I just died, and now I'm stuck in hell just for giving some assholes what they deserve!" The boy snapped as he kicked a few bones on the ground. He was not looking forward to walking around hell looking for a nice place to build a house.

"Why don't you just haunt the overworld?" Timmy asked.

"What?" The boy asked.

"It's easy, you just look for one of those portal thingies, and then haunt somewhere nice," Timmy explained. "People do that all time when they're here for stupid reasons. You only really deserve to be punished when you're in the fire pits."

"Really?" the boy asked. "Do I get to mess with people on the other side?"

"Totally, I tried to conquer the world, but my mom said I can't do that anymore....bitch," Timmy whispered that last part, but out of nowhere his mother came running and suddenly kicked him in the stomach so hard he flew straight into the ceiling.

"Don't talk about me that way!" The woman screamed, demons require tougher love then humans are normally used too. She huffed before looking down and seeing the new kid in town. "Well hello sweetie, what might your name be?"

"Tommy." the boy said. He flinched when Timmy came crashing down from the ceiling several meters away, followed by several hundred stalagmites and what was left of a human leg, damn blood sucking bats.

"Well hello Tommy." the demon woman said. "Why don't you come over to our house, I just finished making a pie!"

"Okay." Tommy smiled.


Max, Neil, and Nikki slowly tiptoed to the front of the abandoned store. Considering this mall was literally where stores went to die, yet somehow limp along for ten more years, this place was ancient. This place was literally so old, it had a decrepit 'whites only' sign. That and the door had rotted away, so mall security just taped the place off.

"Alright guys, time to find some ghosts and get rich," Max said as he pulled out a flashlight.

"I thought ghosts don't exist, and hunting them was stupid?!" Nikki asked sarcastically.

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