Chapter 2 Exploration

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Authors note: so for this chapter I decided to really dig into the individual characters and how they like hanging out in the mall. I swear it's not just because I'm too lazy to make my own characters.....anyway, hope you like the comedy, and the fluff to come. 

    Max dosed silently on his shelf. It was a literal shelf, David did the best he could but they were still poor as hell. Seriously, depending on sales, they may not eat this week. Max didn't complain about it that much though. His old parents where the kind of people who wouldn't feed him for days at a time, at least David actually tried to feed him.

"There coming to get you."

"Were almost here."

"You can't stay with him forever."

"Did you really think you could hide from us?"

Max struggled against his own blanket as his nightmare continued. It was like he was right back at that house all over again.

"Come on max, wake up!" Max suddenly shot straight his head straight into the shelf above his bunk.

"Son of a bitch!" Max snapped as soon as he realized who was standing in his room. "What are you doing here?"

"David said we could come up to get you since he had to watch the store." Neil replied. David and Max spent the whole night fixing up the store room to make it somewhat livable.

Max's shelf was now covered in pictures from camp campbell, as well as a few other pictures from when he was younger. David even helped him cut out his parents from every picture. It was actually a pretty fun night, Max even got David to play Mortal Kombat, at least until all of David's crying and screaming got old.

"What time is it?" Max said as he climbed out and walked over to the pile of clean hoodies.

"It's like eleven." Nikki said. "Everyone's already gathered in the malt shop."

"Good, at least they weren't late." Max said as he slipped on his hoodie with a complete and total disregard for physics.


Max walked down the stairs into the blockbuster storefront. He held a cup of black coffee, with the words 'number one son' on the side. He would still have his nope cup, but David hid it so he'd use the matching ones he bought last night.

"Your using the cup!" David said with sparkling eyes. He held out his 'number one dad' cup with a smile. Max suddenly grabbed his empty mug and dropped it on the floor.

"Gross!" Nikki said with a smile, as David scooped Max up into a hug.

"I knew you'd love it!" David said happily.

"If you don't put me down, I'm going to set you on fire." Max threatened. "I mean it too, I bought a jerry can."

"Oh Max!" David smiled. "I'm so happy that you've already made so many friends here!"

"There literally everyone from camp, David." Max said annoyed as he sipped his coffee. "Where gonna go explore the mall, don't wait up." Max said as he dragged Nikki and Neil out of the blockbuster.


Max walked into the old ass malt shop with everyone from camp sitting around the room. It was literally a malt shop from some eighties movie. There was even a dusty jukebox in the corner. Behind the bar was Gwen, standing there silently crying as everyone sat around the room, lucky for her, the place actually had wifi, so the room was dead silent besides the occasional cat video.

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