Chapter 12 Darren's revenge

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    A stuffy old woman in a miniskirt sat at her desk with a huff as she looked over a massive pile of paperwork for this evening. She had to recheck and triple check all of the paperwork for several foster homes looking to adopt their foster children. It's normally a wonderful part of the process, but as a desk jockey, it was a serious pain.

The woman named Evie stopped when she saw an unusually thin file for someone by the name of Max. It was strange for a foster child to have such an unusually thin file, there are normally hundreds of court documents, as well as foster care placement procedures.

She opened the file and looked at all the court documents, but stopped when she saw the foster parents file tucked inside. The foster parent's file was almost completely bare. There was no documentation of the vetting process or the placement procedures. As far as the file was concerned, Max just moved in without even the slightest home check.

The woman picked up her phone and dialed her supervisor. She rarely saw files like these, and only in situations where the main office failed to make physical copies.

"Hello?" Her manager said as he picked up the phone. He just got in for the day, as the main office was in Phoenix.

"Hello, sir," Evie said. "I was calling because one of the files you sent me is incomplete."

"Let me check the computer." the man said as he typed away on his end. "I see what you mean. The file looks like it's been mostly corrupted."

"Well, what should we do?" Evie asked. "I can't approve the adoption with so little information."

"Well you're certified to perform a house visit right?" the man asked.

"Well.....yes, but I don't normally....."

"Well it's your job, so find the address and perform the inspection yourself." the man said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a court case to attend."

"Dammit," Evie said annoyed as she slammed down the phone. She grabbed her coat and walked out of the office with a huff of annoyance. The overtime was certain to be a pain.


Max looked over the video games aisle as he checked to make sure everything was facing the right way. Gwen had a tendency to fuck that up all the time. That and he wanted to see if he could get Erid and Nerf to rent something.

Erid and Nerf where there alone because they were old enough to rent violent video games without parents permission. That and Max is really good at death threats, so naturally, they choose the blockbuster as there video game provider.

He suddenly stopped when he saw a familiar face enter the store from the mall entrance. Darren walked into a random aisle and picked up a movie while reading it's back.

"Hey," Max said suspiciously. Darren didn't rent movies, the bastard had Netflix, fucking traitor. "What the fuck do you want?"

"I'm browsing," Darren said without even looking him in the eye. He looked far too serious to be renting a movie. That and Max seriously doubted he had any interest in Thankskilling four. How that movie managed so many sequels is beyond pretty much everyone involved.

"Bullshit, your here to spy on me," Max said seeing through him immediately.

"I would be more concerned with your next guest." Darren pointed out.

Evie walked into the store and immediately turned up her nose at the carpet. Who would ever decorate with such a shade of blue?

"Hello," David said as he walked up. "How can I help you?"

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