Chapter 7 Kat the new kid

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Authors note: Fucking.......aliens 

   Max sat down at his desk and hummed a creepy tune as he started weaving together several fuses for today's surprise. Today's plan involved waiting until science club after class and placing his little surprise in Gwen's desk drawer. Gwen walked into the room and stood at the front with a broken and sad look on her face.

"Hey kids, we have a new student today," Gwen said. The whole class looked in confusion as they weren't exactly in this class for good behavior.

"Who is it?" Nikki asked.

"Is it a fellow Artist?" Dolph asked.

"A fellow thespian?" Preston asked.

"Does she have boobs?" The whole class looked at Max with confusion. "....I meant to make trouble." Max said as he retreated a little.

"Her name is Kat," Gwen said. The door suddenly slammed open as a young girl dressed completely in black entered the room. Her hair was purple and draping over her face and her skin was completely white.

"Hello, filthy classmates," Kat said in an unstable voice. "You look less like......DISGUSTING filth today!" The girl shouted that part almost as though she was full of energy and unable to contain it.

"I do feel less filthy today, thank you, Kat." Space kid said with a smile.

"Shut up I'm talking!" Kat said as she suddenly threw a chair at Space kid and knocked him to the ground.

"I'm okay." Space kid said as he gave everyone a thumbs up from the ground.

"She's almost as cool as me." Erid said as she took out her earbuds. "....almost."

"I will be the Matriarch of this group!" Kat said as she suddenly jumped into the air and landed on Erids desk. She grabbed her by the collar and started to scream in her face. "Your position will be mine, or you will be exterminated like every filthy human who gets in my way!"

"Why don't you take a seat," Gwen said as she put her hands in the air to calm the situation.

"I brought cookies!" The girl said as she suddenly threw a box of cookies in the air and slammed it into Prestons face.

"Nice...." Gwen said with a terrified smile.

"Oh, and have an apple," Kat said as she handed a single apple to Gwen, before climbing up the theater toward the back.

"Get to know her kids....and her raging insanity," Gwen said the last part under her breath. She read out of the book and started the lesson into physics as she wrote a few formulas on the board. It was some crap about Pythagorean theorem that no one was listening too.

"What's the new girls deal?" Neil whispered.

"She's just a little crazy," Nikki replied.

"Also kinda pretty....." Max said as he stared at her.

"What?" Nikki and Neil asked at once.

"I didn't say anything," Max said as he retreated again. She was kinda pretty, in a creepy macabre, psychotic kind of way. She even had pretty purple eyes, which Max only knew because she was staring at him, with her eyes wide open, and without blinking for several minutes. She was also shaking a little.

Max suddenly realized she was looking straight at him and hid behind a book as she continued to stare. It was actually a lot more creepy then it looked.

"Alright, now we're gonna take a little break so we can....." Gwen tried to say.

"Silence teacher construct, eat this filthy human meat!" Tak suddenly yelled as she threw a large t-bone steak at Gwen's face and knocked her to the ground. Gwen slammed into the ground out of nowhere and the whole class looked at Tak with slight fear, even Nerf was totally freaked out by her sudden and random intensity. Kat walked up the stairs to Max's desk and stared at him for several seconds as though she was evaluating him.

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