Cause I feel so secure when we're together

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31 March 2017
Dean and Cas lay like this for ages before Dean got up and head for the shower.
"Mind if I join you?" Cas smiled.
"Not at all Baby"
Cas stepped into the shower behind Dean and spun him around.
"That was the best thing I think I have ever done" Cas gleamed, planting a kiss on Dean's cheek.
"And that was the best Sex I have EVER had" Dean smiled back.
They leant into a hug and let the water wash away their sins.
1 April 2017
When they were getting dressed the next morning they heard the bunker door open. Dean ran out, with only a towl on, gun in hand, ready to shoot whatever thing had come to ruin hid day.
"What up bitches?"
"Yeah, turns out someone doesn't want me that way"
Dean rushed forward to hug dean, just as Charlie put her hand out to stop him.
"Dude, that towl is gonna fall down ANY second, go and get dressed."
"That" She gestured down at Dean crotch "Is something I NEVER want to see"
Dean huffed and rushed back to his room to get dressed, where he found Cas waiting, fully dressed already.
"Even better!!" Dean rushed around the room grabbing clothes to throw on. Once he was dressed -albeit not very well- he grabbed Cas' hand and hauled him out to the main room.
"Castiel? Where is Sam?"
"He-Uh he's on a hunt" Dean smiled, with hesitation.
"Oh, to give you some alone time together, right" Charlie smiled back as she came bounding down the steps and launched herself at Dean. Who stumbled back, suprised, then hugged her back tightly.
"How did you work it out?" Cas said and turned to Dean "I thought we were quite subtle"
"Dudes, I can sense the Gay from a mile away...... Plus when you came in from running, you didn't let go of eachothers hands"
"Oh" Dean and Cas both said together.
"Aww, you two are sooo cute"
"Thanks, I guess" Cas blushed.
"So, where's the beer at?"
Once they all had beer in there hands, the three sat down in the library together and talked. Cas and Dean sat next to each other and Charlie took the chair opposite.
"So, listen guys, I dont want to intrude or anything, but I was kinda wondering if I could stay a while"
"Of course you can kiddo" Dean grinned "It'll be nice havin ya around"
"Oh, that was easier than expected, thanks"
They talked a while before Dean got a call from Sam.
"What up Sammy?"
"I was just callin to say I finished the case, and i'm driving home now"
"Anything interesting happen?"
Dean could feel him smirking through the phone.
"Yeah, HarHar, we took the plunge" Dean said as he squeezed Cas gently, who looked up and smiled at him.
"Yeah, and that's all your hearin"
"Ok ok, see ya soon then"
"See ya Sammy" Dean hung up without another word.
"Aren't you going to tell him about me?" Charlie said, cocking her head to one side in confusion.
"Nah, we'll suprise him!"
At about 10:00 the bunker door swung open and Sam strut in like a snobish Moose.
"What'r you so happy about" Dean sniggered.
"You and Cas for one- no more akward eye sex- and I took out a nest of 13"
"Sammy you should have called"
"Nah, you were enjoying yourself" Sam said with a wink and a nod in Cas' direction.
"Well I can think of one more thing you might be happy about Sam" Cas called and moved out of the way, revealing a very akward Charlie.
Sam just stared, before dropping his bag off his shoulder and running at her, arms open wide. Charlie hugged him back and then pulled away with a huge smile.
"I can't believe it! It's you.. It's actually really you! Your alive"
"Well I should think so"
Charlie shrugged. "Although, I did hear a womans voice"
"Amara" Dean stated, matter of factly.
"Doesn't matter Charlie, your back, and that's all that matters" Sam hugged her again, and this time Dean moved in as well, pulling Cas with him. They were left in a cute little group hug as they were all overcome with love.
"You can have the spare room Charlie, Cas won't be needing it. Ill help you move your stuff in."
"Thanks Dean"
Cas stopped Dean on the way out for a kiss and asked "Does that mean im moving into your room?"
"Of course it does Dumbo"
"I dont see how that makes me a cartoon elephant"
"Aw your so cute baby" Dean patted Cas' cheek and left with Charlie.
"That should be everything" Charlie said with a sigh as she threw the last bag down onto the bed.
"Make the place your own Your Highness, you never know how long you'll be with us" Dean winked and walked out, shutting the door behind him.
2 April 2017
"Mornin fellas" Charlie said cheerily stepping into the kitchen. The boys turned around to find Charlie standing in the doorway in her PJs (which were incidentaly very short, although the didn't seem bothered about it)
"Happy Birthday for Kiddo" Sam said
"Aww thanks. I didn't think you would remember. Where's Cas?"
"Not a mornin person" Dean smiled.
"Did you keep him up?" Charlie winked suggestively.
Dean flushed bright pink and turned around to Sam, who just laughed- not very supportive.
"Hey guys I was thinking, how about we have a bit of a celebration of having charlie back and also kinda a birthday gift?"
"Yeah what were you thinkin" Dean said, composing himself.
"WOW, Sounds Great!!" Charlie piped up. Everyone turned as Cas came bolting down the corridor with an angel blade.
"Who's in danger, I heard shouting"
"Oh, that was me, sorry Castiel" Charlie said, slightly embarrassed.
"Oh, so everyone is fine? Well, im going back to bed then"
"No no no, sleepy head" Dean said, getting out of his seat and pulling Cas into a quick kiss. "We need you awake Cassie, team free will, group meeting"
"Ugh, fine, Coffee?"

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