*Even as I wander im keepin you in sight

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9 April 2017
Rome was amazing!
Nothing could have been better. However Dean did wish that people weren't so judgey. Apart from that it was pretty perfect.
When they got back to the bunker normality smacked Dean in the face like it was being swung by a demon.
"Ugh" Dean flopped down in the library and layed his head in his hands. "Well, back to Kelly I guess"
"You know I was thinking, maybe we enlist some more help?"
"Who were tou thinking?" Dean replied.
"Well, Eileen. And maybe...."
"Dorothy!" Charlie finished excitedly.
"Well no, actually I wasn't going to say her, I have no idea where she is and we haven't kept in touch exactly"
"No! DOROTHY!" Charlie pointed and ran forward to help the injured woman who had just stumbled in.
"Oh" Sam said before also rushing to her assistance.
As Cas was stitchinh her up, Charlie asked her what happened.
"Well, there is good news and bad news. Good news is Oz is safe, and back in good hands."
"And the bad news?" Sam butted in.
"Well, I can never go back."
"Oh shit" Dean said, suddenly interested in the conversation.
"Yeah, my thoughts exactly. The price to pay for the- lets just say peace- was that the door would close permenantly." She frowned. "So im not sure where im going to go"
"You can stay here, we have plenty of rooms" Cas said gleefully.
"It'll be nice to have another girl around" Charlie winked.
"Well- I dont know"
"Oh come on" Charlie smiled incouraginly.
"Oh, ok then"
"Woo Hoo, we're building up the family" Charlie yelled, obviously way to excited about Dorothy staying. Dean thought she might have a crush on Dot.
10 April 2017
"Look, I think we need a new approach to this" Sam said as he sat at the map table. It was now surrounded by friends and family, just like he liked it. He sat at the head with Mary, Dean and Cas on one side -she didn't know about the two of them yet- And Charlie, Dorothy and Eileen on the other.
They all nodded.
"I think we should split off and search" Dean suggested.
"I think so to. So this is how its going to go. We pair up. Dean and Cas, you go to the motel we were at when we sorted Satan, and work from there" They both nodded.
"Dot and Charlie-" They moved closer together, happy with the pairing. "You take her last known location. And Mum, you can stay here with me and Eileen, and we can carry on looking for her."
"Sounds like a stratagy Sam" Eileen smiled, and everyone got up to pack.
Mary went to get some stuff from the car, and so Sam was left with Eileen.
"Do you think we will find anything at the motel?"
"Probably not, but we might aswell check"
The boys sat in the car and listened to music the whole way. Dean noticed Cas watching the stars from the window. That was, until Def Leopard 'Pour some sugar on me' came on and he started to dance. Somehow he was really sexy. He swayed in time with the beat and sang along as loud as he could. Dean couldn't help himself. He pulled over the car and crawled across to Cas.
"You keep swingin those hips like that and im gonna have no choice but to take yoh here and now"
Cas kept going, but now with a sly smile on his face. Dean straddled him and pressed his lips urgently against Cas'. He began to move with the music too, but in the oposing direction to Cas, creating blissful friction. Cas moaned lightly and so Dean sped up. The kissing becane more intense, and so did the movements, until Cas reached round the back of Dean and turned the music off.
"Now Now Dean"
Dean whimpered slightly at the loss of Cas' body against his.
"We wouldn't want to make a mess in your car would we" He grinned.
Dean spun back to his seat and put the pedal to the metal.
They were at the motel in no time, and instead of investigating, they booked their own room and rushed to it immediately.
Cas pushed Dean onto the bed and shut the door behind them, he then sauntered over to the bed and stripped Dean of his shirt.
"Lay down" He commanded harshly.
Dean liked the controlling Cas, he was Sexy as hell, so he did as he was told.
Cas tied his hands above his head so they were spread apart. He then took his own shirt off and sat on Deans lap.
He felt Deans erection grow and leaned down to kiss Dean's neck. He trailed his kisses down until he got to the waistband of his jeans. He yanked them off in a flash and slowly worked down his boxers. He licked the tip gently and Dean bucked his hips and groaned. Cas sniggered and took Dean's whole length in one go. He worked up and down and felt Dean squirm. Eventually he let go and shot down the back of Cas' throat, arching his back as it happened, he swallowed and looked back up at Dean who had let out an exasperated grunt and layed back down.
"Mm Mm. Im not done Dean"
Deans eyes met Cas' with a look of wondrous fear and surrender. Cas showed no mercy however.
"You have had your way with me Hunter. Now its my turn. Your not gonna be able to sit down for a week"
Dean tried to wriggle out of the restraints and, as he regained his breath, said "No Cas- Be merciful"
Cas just smirked and swiped off his remaining clothes.
"Im on top this time" Cas grinned and lubed up his fingers. He slipped 3 into Dean and he yowled, but Cas didn't scare easily. He pushed them further in until they hit Dean's prostate and his whole body shuddered and relaxed.
"Thats it Baby, just relax" Cas enjoyed being in charge for once. Dean was biting his lip, trying not to yell as Cas added another finger and moved in and out. After a little bit he added his last finger and suddenly he was fisting Dean. He was screaming, but in pleasure, and he obviously couldn't help himself.
"You ready Dean?" Cas laughed as he pulled out and lined his own hard dick up with Deans hole.
He thrust hard and fast. He kept going as Dean cried out his name and grabbed at the bed posts. Cas thrust deeper, hitting Dean's prostate every time until they were both moaning at the top of their lungs. Cas wasn't going to stop there though, he grabbed hold of Dean's dick, wet with cum, and roughly moved up and down in time with his thrusts. Dean couldn't talk, or move, he was to overcome with pleasure. He just moaned and held on tight to the bed.
"C-C-Ca-ss" Dean managed to get out just as he came in Cas' hand. Cas slowed a little, and rode through his own orgasm and he came into Dean. He slowly pulled out of Dean and untied him. They both lay for a while, unable to do anything but pant. Finaly Dean spoke "Wow Cas, I didn't know you had that in ya"
Cas grinned maniacally up at Dean and got up, heading for the shower.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now