Iv forgotten what I started fighting for

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17th May 2017
Sam stepped out of the bathroom, a towl wrapped around his lower portions. Eileen was laying on their bed reading a steamy novel and didn't notice Sam immediately.
"God, sometimes its really annoying that your deaf." He laughed as she finnaly turned and saw him.
"Hey bean!" (a name she had developed for him, a shortening of Beanstalk, as in the giant one in the story) "Drop the towl babe" She grinned and put down the book.
Sam smiled and ripped the towl from his waist and threw it back into the bathroom.
He walked towards the bed where he stopped short of Eileen and reached to pick up his clothes.
"Oh your no fun" She laughed.
As he got dressed she watched him intently. Just watching him was way more arousing than any book could be. As he moved his muscles would ripple and tense. His abs were beautiful and glistening from the moisture if the shower. Her eyes traveled all over his body and settled on his crotch. She smirked.
"Enjoying the show Babe?" Sam turned and said.
"Yes actually" She giggled.
Once Sam was dressed he made his way over to Eileen and crouched down to her level.
"I love you" He said suddenly. Eileen looked shocked but not unhappy.
"I-Uh-" Sam started to worry that he had said it too soon, but Eileen pressed her lips firmly against his and when she pulled away she spoke quietly- Sam wasn't sure if she meant to do so- "I love you too Bean"
Sam gleamed and pushed Eileen backwards onto the bed and crawled on top of her gently.
"Will you move in permenantly?"
"Wow, big step."
"Well, you already spend pretty much all your time here"
She thought for a second. "Yes. I'll get my major stuff from my flat tommorow. I can put it up for sale in the next week."
"You know? Maybe we could spend some of that money on a little Vacation for the two of us"
"Sounds wonderful Sam. Now get to it!" She said and pulled him down on her as she crashed her lips into his.
"Yeah Dean"
"Do you want to go and visit Kelly?"
"mm-Yeah, let me get my coat" Cas rushed out and came back wrapped in his good old trench coat. When they had changed his wardrobe Cas had said it was important that they kept it, as it was Jimmy's, and Dean wouldn't have it any other way. He had grown with Cas and that dumb, grey trench coat and couldn't imagine him without it.
They hopped into the impala, after leaving a note to everyone about where they were going, and sped off.
18 May 2017
Eileen lay with her head on Sam's chest, remembering the first time they had been like this. They had only been together a month and a bit and they had already said I love you, and planned to move in together. Eileen was afraid to mention it to Sam, but she had never been a long term relationship before. No-one she had ever dated had gotten over the deaf thing, and decided they didn't want to be with her anymore or go on any more dates. She had dated someone for 3 weeks once, but that wasn't going anywhere after he stumbled upon her 'gear' (stash of weapons and torture implements) and she had to explain what she does for a living. Which obviously he didn't believe and they broke up.
But she was hopeful for her and Sam. He wasn't bothered by the fact she was deaf. He was a hunter so she didn't have to keep secrets. And he was a great boyfriend- Kind, Funny, Thoughtful, Gorgeous and GREAT in bed.
"Hey Bean" Eileen looked up so she could read his lips.
"Yeah Babe"
"How many serious relationships have you been in?"
Sam went red. He had also been avoiding this conversation it seemed.
"Um...." Eileen smiled kindly "1" He finished.
She sighed a heavy sigh of relief but then saw the look on Sam's face and started to worry. He had a heavy frown and looked like he could cry. Eileen sat up and crawled onto Sam's lap.
"What is it Bean?" She said gently and kissed his forehead.
"It's just- Jess..."
"Oh" She said realising what must have happened. "You dont have to talk about it"
"No, its fine. When I was in college I was with Jess for a year and a half. Then something happened to my dad and Dean turned up-" He stopped and gazed into Eileen eyes.
"When we came back... She was..." His eyes brimmed with tears witch Eileen swept away lightly with her thumb.
"What did it"
"Azazel, one of the princes of hell. He's dead now"
"Atta boy" Eileen laughed and Sam smiled.
"I just... Iv been reluctant to get involved with anyone seriously since"
"Well nothing bad is going to happen to me Bean. Dont worry"
"I know. You kick danger in the ass" He smiled and pulled her into a tight hug. Eileen wrapped her giant up in her arms and rested her face in his shoulder.
Buzz Buzz
"What is that?" Eileen muttered.
Buzz Buzz
"My phone I think" Sam said, reaching across to check.
"It's Dean..... Oh No" Sam reaslised Eileen wasn't paying attention, he pushed her lightly back so she could read his lips.
"Kelly has gone into labor" Eileen's eyes widened. "No!" she yelled and threw herself back into Sam's arms where she stayed and cried. When she eventually calmed down and mived away she noticed Sam too had a tear rolling down his cheek.
"We need to be with her!"
"Lets go then" Sam said and lifted Eileen off him and helped her off the bed.
"AHHHHHHH!" Kelly screamed, squeezing down on Deans hand.
"Im sorry, we're no good with this kinda thing" Cas said apologeticaly.
"There is help coming"
"Just breathe Kelly" Cas calmingly spoke, as he remembered some things from the birth book he had been reading.
"AHHHHHHH" She yelled again, trying to breathe steadily but struggling.

A few minutes later Mary arrived and was much more helpful than the boys, altough they stayed for support and for Dean to be a grip for Kelly apparently. He was pretty sure his hand would be broken by the time the baby was out.

About half an hour later Sam and Eileen arrived, followed by Charlie and Dot. They all waited downstairs, and came up one at a time, in short bursts as to not crowd her too much.
It was 5 hours before the baby's arms were out, and then it all went far to quickly.
Everyone came upstairs and helped in some way, and the room was full of crying, rushing people.
Kelly was crying aswell.
Suddenly their was a huge flash of light in the room and all noise jyst stopped.
"I love you all. Thankyou. Take care of my son."
Kelly whispered as she closed her eyes and fell back onto the bed.
"NO!" Charlie screamed and fell into Dorothy's arms, crying.
"Kelly, no" Eileen spoke quietly as she fell to her knees beside the bed and sobbed. Sam came behind her and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her reassuringly, his face wet with tears.
Mary held the baby in a motherly grip and wept over him and Cas began to silently cry.
Dean stared down at Kelly's hand still cletching his, and couldn't take it anymore. He placed her hand down in the bed and walked out of the room.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now