And im getting closer than I ever thought I might

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19 April 2017
They had left Kelly in her little cottage, promising that obe of them would visit every day. It would be another 3 months until the birth and they didn't want her to be alone.
Cas was on first shift, so he stayed there with Kelly while everyone else went back to the bunker.
"You know Dean... We should probably tell Mary about us" Cas' voice echoed through the phone.
"She has a right to know"
"Yeah. Im just scared of what she'll think. I mean she's from the 70's she might not be very excepting."
"Well she doesn't seem bothered by Charlie and Dot"
"Yeah, but their not her children"
"Dont worry. Mary is a very reasonable person. She will be happy as long as your happy."
"Well I am very happy"
"Just tell her that then."
"Ugh fine you have convinced me"
"Good. I'll be back by 9. Love you"
"Love you to Cassie"
It had become so easy to say I love you now. Dean was so comfortable around Cas, and he knew Sam and the others were supportive.
He hung up and walked into the Kitchen where Mary was reading alone.
"Yeah Dean?"
"We need to talk"
"Ok" Mary pulled out the seat next to her and offered it to Dean. He sat down and took her hands in his.
"Mum... I have found someone"
"Dean that's amazing. Is that what you were worried about telling me?"
"Well yeah"
"Well where is she? Is she a hunter? Is she going to move in?"
"They have already moved in"
"Oh. Why have I not met her?"
"You have Mum...... It's Cas" Mary's eyes lit up and she pulled him into a tight hug.
"So you dont mind?"
"Of course not. Why would i? Infact im pleased it's Castiel. He is sweet and loyal and very attractive" She winked.
"Ew. That's my boyfriend your talking about."
"So. How long have you two been a thing?"
"About 3 months"
"So its serious then."Dean nodded "How long have you known you were gay?"
"Bi actually." Dean corrected. "About 4 months"
"Ah. So Cas was your first...." She cleared her throat. "Time with a man?"
"Uh, yes? And I was his first anything"
"Aw, isn't that sweet"
"I guess? So your totally cool with this?"
"Yes. I don't need to worry about grandkids, ill have Jack, and you two are perfect for eachother"
"Thanks Mum" Dean gleamed, and hugged her again before going to call Cas and tell him the news. They had to break it to Kelly next.
20 April 2017
Cas and Kelly sat in the garden for most of the morning and watched the brids quietly. It got dark quite early, so they sat in the living room, by the fireplace and played poker. She taught Cas how to play, but he was no match for her.
"Kelly, we are all going to look after Jack, but who do you want his 'parents' to be"
"Well I was thinking you..... Flush"
"Ah, thats what I wanted to talk about.... High Card and a three"
"Haha I win again" She set the cards down and turned to Cas. "What is it?"
"Well... To put it simply... Would you mind if Jack had two fathers?"
"It would depend on who your dating"
Kelly replied.
"Oh. Yeah, I would be very happy for him to be Jack's dad... Aswell as you.... You keep an eye on him though"
Cas smiled gratefully and picked up a new hand.
"Does that mean Sam's going to be uncle?" Kelly asked, placing down her chips. She had collected quite a pile, from all her successful goes.
"Yes although we intend for him to be a fatherly figure."
"I wish I could meet him. Just once. I know he is going to be in good hands, but im sad that I will never be able to meet my own son."
Cas frowned "I understand.... Why dont you record a message for him and when he is old enough we can play it to him." Kelly's smile could have lit up the room.
"That is a really good idea Cas... Oh I meant to say. Is the length of Nephilm pregnancy's shorter than regular babies?"
"Im not sure. Why?"
"Have you never seen a 5 month pregnant woman?"
"Well, im more like 8 months, lets just say that."
"I can read up on it when I get back if you like. Speaking of which, I should be going soon. Sorry."
"Its ok Castiel I go to bed much earlier than I used to, ill be asleep in a hour anyway" She said gently placing her hand over Cas' and smiling.
"Kelly, im so sorry this has happened to you."
"It's ok Castiel. I have made my peace with it. You just worrying about raising my little boy."
Castiel saw a single tear roll down her face and couldn't bare to see her like this. He stood up and Kelly walked him to the door. He said goodbye and have her a gentle hug, careful not to squash her belly too much.
"I will see you again soon." He smiled as he left.
When he got back, the first thing Cas did was to look for a book on Nephilm. He found it pretty easily and plonked it down on the table. Within 3 minutes he found out what he was looking for.
"Oh. No" Castiel layed his head down on the table and began to cry. At that moment Dean walked in.
"Baby what's wrong"
Cas looked up with tears streaming down his face and met eyes with Dean. He got up and flung himself at him and held on tight.
"Shhhh, its Ok" Dean stroked the back of Cas' head and cooed in his ear. After he had calmed he took Dean over to the book and pointed down at what he had been reading.
'Nephilm development is exponentialy faster than a regular child's, meaning the pregnancy will only last 6 Months' realisation struck Dean.
"She only has one month to live" He stated. He was overwhelmed by sadness and had to sit down, before he fell down. He tried not to cry, but he couldn't stop a few stray tears.
Everyone cried when they found out, even Sam.
"We will have to pay her extra attention" Charlie stated matter of factly.
"We should go on a picnic tommorow, if the weathers good. All of us." Dorothy suggested.
Everyone nodded and slumped off to their rooms, although no one slept well. They were all dreading telling Kelly tommorow.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now