Baby I cant fight this feeling anymore

44 3 0

9 July 2017
When Dean returned to the bedroom he found the woman sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall, with the body slumped across her lap. She was holding his hand and stroking her other hand through his thick, black hair.
He was about 25, like the woman, with large, full lips and an angular face. He was quite feminine in many ways, he was very tall and very skinny. He had muscles, not very prominent, but still substantial. His jeans were loose on his small frame and his hoodie was stained red at the waist. Apart from that, he didn't seem to injured. There were no cuts and bruises, unlike the Woman- he seemed to have gotten off easily.
The woman, who had previously been gazing down into his eyes, looked up at Dean smiled. A forced smile.
"Sorry, I brought a lot of people"
Everyone piled in behind Dean. Sam took the armchair and Eileen perched on his lap, Charlie and Dot sat on the desktop together and Cas took the desk chair.
"Which one is Sam?"
Sam raised his hand. "May I ask how you know us? Or where we live?"
"I only know of you and Dean. The Winchesters. Garth told-"
"Garth!??" Dean stammered.
"Yeah. We're buddies, he told me to come to you guys. Although I'll admit I didn't know there were do many of you."
"So, who taught you two how to fight and the lore and stuff.?" Dot asked.
"Self taught fighters. Garth took us in and explained the lore and leant us books though." Emily smiled.
"Self taught hey?" Dean raised an eyebrow.
"I could still beat yo ass though" Emily laughed.
"Ha. Challenge excepted."
"Fine. When he's better. Target practice and an arm wrestle"
"Pfft Easy. Ya dont stand a chance."
Emily shut her eyes and glanced around the room. "Where is the Nephilm?"
Everyone jumped up and reached for weapons.
"Woah. Calm down" she said rasing her hands in surrender.
"How do you know about Jack? Who told you? We won't let you hurt him!!"
"Castiel calm down" She replied.
"How do you know my name?"
"Look. Lets just clear up some facts. Firstly. I have a strange ability. Kinda like a pyshcic. I can sense energys and sometimes I can read minds, just snippets like names and dates and stuff. I can feel the Nephilm's energy, thats how I know about him.
Secondly, im not here to hurt... Jack? I just came for help. I wouldn't dream of hurting him. I can feel that his energy is good. Not evil."
Everyone settled back down.
"Thank Chuck because we would have had to kill you.....Litterally." Charlie laughed.
"So who exactly are you?" Eileen asked kindly.
"My name is Emily Futer."
"And...." Dean gestured the man.
"Oh, this is Joe. Joseph Evans Riddle. And you guys?"
"Well you know Sam and I.... This is Cas our friend-"
"Pfft, whatever..."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Dean said.
"Well, it's obvious you two are dating... Wait no.... Engaged. That's sweet" She smiled.
"How did you-?"
"Well for one, you scream couple. Then there is the ring on Castiel's finger. To precious to just be jewelry. Then there is the fact I can feel romantic energy coming off you two. Its sickeningly nice" She laughed.
"I guess that means she can tell we are dating too" Dot sniggered.
"Dude. Dont need powers to tell that. Your hand is on top of hers and it was subconscious."
Charlie giggled "That's true. We are SO obvious. By the way i'm Charlie and this is Dorothy"
"Dot" Dorothy corrected.
Finally Emily's eyes settled on Eileens and she smiled. "Congratulations Eileen"
"On what?"
"Your miracle" Emily smiled in response.
"Oh. You really do have a gift" Eileen seemed genuinely shocked.
"I wouldn't call it a gift...." Emily muttered inaudibly. She went back to intently gazing into Joseph's eyes and stroking his long hair out of his eyes.
"What happened to him?" Cas said, trying to seem sad.
"Vetala stabbed him" she said lifting his hoodie to reveal a bloody bandage around his waist. "It was poisoned and I dont know how to help him. He could die and it would be all my fault-" Emily stifled a sob. Tears ran down her face but she remained strong.
"I need help. Is there anything you can do?"
"Do you know what kind of poison it was?" Eileen inquired.
"No" Emily said, sounding more destraught by the minute.
"We might be able to help" Cas said suddenly and left the room.
When Cas returned a while later, he bought with him...
"Hi. Suprise im not dead."
"And why would he help us?" Dean snarled. "He killed me 117 times"
Emily looked very confused. Sam leant over and whispered something to her and she gasped.
"He owes me" Cas said, but left it at that.
"Sure I'll help, on one condition."
"And that would be?" Sam said impatiently.
"Rowena. Give me her number"
"That's....... Not what I was expecting." Dean shrugged "Sure. Ok" Dean began to scribble down her number from his contacts, as Gabriel walked over to the bed.
Emily's grip on Joseph tightened but she let Gabriel lean over and place his hand on his wound. Light blazed up from his palm, and then Joe was breathing steadily again. Gabriel took the number from Dean
"He will need time." Was all he said before he vanished with a Woosh.
"You should really get some rest" Charlie smiled at Emily.
"I will when he wakes." She said stubbornly.
Emily had been convinced to leave Joseph's side for long enough to have a shower and change. She had to borrow a Metallica T from Dean- after learning about their shared appreciation for classic rock- and Jeans from Sam, as she was way to big for Charlie or Dot's clothes. After that she had settled next to Joe on the bed and hadn't moved since.
"So, how did you get into Hunting?" Dean asked. Emily looked down at Joe.
"Him" she said as she brushed her fngers though hus hair again.
"His whole family was slaughtered by Vamps."
"Wait... Your family is fine?" Eileen said in a confused tone.
"Yeah. They have no idea what I do"
"You do all of this for him?" It was Cas this time.
"Of course I do. I love him. I am all he has. I could never leave him."
"He is lucky to have you. How long have you two-"
Joe spluttered and began to open his eyes.
"Joe Joe. Come on. Wake up for me." She smiled down at him. Charlie was suprised by what happened next.
Joseph's eyes shot open. He locked gazes with Emily and grabbed her immediately. Not a kiss as she had been expecting but a hug. More than that it was a desperate, comforting, loving embrace. It held all the meaning behind anything either of them could have said to one another. Joe nuzzled his head into Emily's shoulder and her hand went to the back if his head. A few tears rolled down Emily's face. Happy tears. And then they pulled away and Joe slapped her round the face.
"I deserved that" she laughed.
"Damn right Em" He smiled back. He leant in again to hug her and whispered something to her.
"Oh, right. These guys helped us and we are staying at theirs at the moment. Dean and Sam Winchester." She said pointing to them.
"Castiel.." Joe and Emily exchanged a brief glance and then Joe laughed.
"Charlie, Dot and Eileen. I also believe there is a baby in the room next door."
About an hour later, after Joe and Emily were given time to shower and change and get patched up- Emily had refused to let anyone help her with her own wounds until he had woken up- they went down to the Dean cave. (they had been given directions)
They plopped down on one of the smaller sofas with a beer in hand.
"So, how long have you two been together? I dont see a wedding ring" Sam said.
Joe, who was leaning against Emily with ease and comfort suddenly straightened and turned to Emily. They both started laughing hysterically.
"We- we- we aren't- not together!" Joe tried to get out between breaths.
"REALLY!!"everyone said in unison.
"God No! I'm Gay!!"
"Oh, Hahahahah"
"But you said you took up hunting for him. Thats not something you take lightly. You could die! And you said earlier you love him?" Dean said in confusion.
"I would rather die by his side than let him die alone and I do love him." Emily said passionately.
"And I her" Joe said as he leant back into the comfort of her body.
"We have been best friends since we were 5. I cant imagine a life without him." She smiled.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now