You make everything so clear

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5 April 2017
After showers and lots of kisses, Cas and Dean were in their suits and waiting at the restaurant for Sam and Charlie.
"Sorry we're late" Sam smiled as he popped up from around the corner.
"We got distracted, looking at travel leaflets about Rome" Charlie piped in.
Cas was very suprised at how beautiful she looked. Dean must have been thinking the same thing, as he turned to her and said "Wow Charlie"
She was wearing a mid length indigo dress that clung in all the right places, and her long hair was swept up in a plaited bun.
She blushed "Aw, thanks, you dont clean up bad yourself Dean"
Dean shrugged in a nonchalant way and Cas smiled as he noticed how well the suit fit him. It wasn't one of these cheap FBI suits, No, it was tailored and it made his ass look great. Cas smirked and followed Dean into the restaurant.

They sat down and ordered after a while. Castiel noticed that the waiter was quite suprised that Charlie wanted beer, but was happy when he and Sam ordered wine.
While they were waiting for the starters, they discussed what Charlie had missed when she was 'dead'. Then before mains they talked about what they were going to do when they found Kelly.
"Well, once the baby is born, it's going to need a home. Where is it going to go?" Cas said.
"What do you mean? Kelly said she wanted to keep it" Dean quized.
"Oh- you dont know"
"No, we dont, so let us in on it Cas" Charlie chirped.
"The mother of a nephilm will always die in childbirth"
"Oh" They all said in unison, and then looked down at their hands. Sam suddenly looked up.
"What if we raised it?"
Dean's jaw dropped in shock. Charlie looked confused. Sam seemed proud of the idea and Cas just paused in contemplation.
"We could determine it's future if we raise it right" Sam continued.
"I think its a good idea" Cas suddenly perked up. At that moment food arrived and Dean tucked in immediately- to avoid the conversation probably. Charlie was looking sad so Cas asked her what was wrong once they finished and ordered dessert.
"Its nothing"
"Oh come on Kiddo whats up?" Dean smiled reassuringly.
"It's just- well I know it's selfish- but ill have to move out, and I was getting used to living with you guys."
"Woah Woah Woah" Sam said "Why will you have to move out?"
"Well, cause kids kinda take up room, and attention"
"Oh Charlie when I suggested that
we raise it.... I was including you in that we"
"Oh" Charlie smiled. "I dont think im ready to be one of 4 parents, can I be aunt Charlie?"
"Yeah, and ill be uncky Sammy" Sam laughed. " I guess that leaves you two then"
"I think they should be his Dads, after all they are the couple here." Charlie suggested.
"AND Kelly seemed to like Cas the most out of us." Sam added.
Dean grinned as the tart arrived - basically just posh pie in his mind- and they dropped the conversation.
As they headed back to their rooms, there was no more talk of Babies but Cas could sense something was wrong with Dean.
"Night then everyone" Dean said and hugged Charlie before patting Sam's shoulder and entering his room. Cas said bye and followed.
As they snuggled into bed, Cas crept closer to Dean and wrapped his arm around him.
"Your worried he will end up like his father aren't you?"
"No, im worried about being his father" Dean sighed.
"Well, you dont have to make any commitments, just think about it. Haven't you always wanted a family?"
"Yeah" Dean laughed and turned over to face Cas. "Not really the family I was expecting" he giggled "An angel- a man at that- and the son of satan."
Cas laughed and kissed him gently.
"Ya know what Cas? It sounds perfect"
Cas was shocked. He wanted a family with Dean, but he never imagined in his wildest dreams that it might happen. And soon.
"I would love to have a child with you Castiel" He smiled and Cas pulled him into a deep kiss of gratitude, before letting him roll back to his side, turning off the light, and settling down to sleep.
6 April- 9 April 2017
The next morning Sam and Charlie let themselves into Cas and Dean's room, and sat down. Their room had two twin beds, and was smaller, so it didn't have a seating area. Dean's room however had a lush sofa and two armchairs situated around a low coffee table. This is where Charlie and Sam waited. They opened up all the travel brochures and layed them out on the table. Charlie went into the bedroom and found Cas and Dean snuggled adorably up together, she pretened she hadn't come in, and knocked on the door to wake them up. She then re-opened the door.
"Rise 'n shine" She said, and Dean stirred. He reached for the gun on the bedside table.
"Dean, it's Charlie. Dont Shoot!" Dean grunted a response and mived away from the gun, indicating the Coffee machine. Charlie put mugs underneath and turned it on before leaving to go back to Sam.
About half an hour later the boys came shuffling out of the bedroom and plonked down on the sofa together. They both had their second cup of coffee in their hands and were smiling.
"We have some news Sam" Cas grinned. "Me and Dean were discussing your idea last night and...... We would love to be parents"
Sam stood up quietly, walked over to the sofa, and pulled the two of them into a tight embrace.
"Thank God" He laughed.
"So I was thinking the colosseum today?" Charlie interuped sweetly.
Dean grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the family hug.
The colosseum was amazing although Dean would have never admitted it. Sam and Charlie were nerding out the whole way and Cas told stories of when he had been to one of the Gladiator games and it was 'nothing like the movies' in his words. Dean had been educating Cas in movies and TV and now he had an almost good knowledge of them.
Dean had shared a giant Pizza with Cas at the restaurant they stopped at, and then they went back to the hotel and swam- which was a relief for everyone, because it was way too hot.
Dean liked staring at Cas' slender muscled body at the pool side. Apparantly it was annoying.
"Excuse me" Some irritating American tourist said, as she turned to Dean's deck chair.
"Yes?" Dean said, trying to hide his annoyance.
"Could you stop, there are children at this pool" Dean shook his head and tried to bury the anger as he said "Stop What?"
"That poor man didn't ask to be molested by your eyes" She said, nodding her head over to Cas in the pool. "And im sure your wife wont appreciate it either" She said indicating Charlie.
Dean couldn't help himself.
"Maybe that man should have considered that before he slept with me- He is my boyfriend- and this woman is not my wife she is my sister- and she is gay"
The woman looked shocked to the core and then went pale and quiet.
"Also, I think you should stay out of other people's business" Dean smiled gently, with a tint of aggression.
She turned around and left him alone for the rest of the afternoon.
They went back to their rooms before dinner, to get changed and went into Rome that night to watch the fireworks.
Rome was quiet, the night sky was dark and the grass bank that Cas sat on was soft and warm, from the heat of the day. Dean was on his right leaning back on his elbows watching the sky and Charlie and Sam sat on his left, talking quietly amongst themselves. Suddenly a blast of colour peirced the black abyss of the sky. The fireworks had started. The 4 of them all layed down and watched the sky. Cas layed his head in the nook of Dean's collarbone and gazed at the beauty around him. He had been on earth so many times, and had never seen fireworks. They were incredible, and this night couldn't be more perfect.
"Thank you Sam"
"This was the best idea you have ever had, it's perfect"
"Yep" Sam smiled over at Cas and Dean ,who both looked genuinely happy for once, and then at charlie, their sister. Their miracle.

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