Cause You Take Me To The Places

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31 July 2017
The clearing was filled with seats in rows, at one end- the furthest-there was a marquee with dinner tables and a buffet. There were lanterns strung on the trees surrounding the area and it was dusk. Grace was at the front, underneath the black rose arch, waiting with a Bible- although she had already said she wasn't religious, it was just for apperances.
At the left of Grace, was Sam-Carrying Jack-, Charlie and Donna-His choices. And to the right, Garth, Eileen and Dorothy- Cas' choices. As Dean exited the tent, Jody linked her arm through his and they made their way up the aisle. The music played and he was tense but excited. Cas, in his bright white suit and cyan waistcoat was lead down the aisle by Bobby. Dean gazed into Cas' blue eyes and followed him as he drew nearer and nearer-realisation hitting him. He was getting married. Right now.
Cas arrived at took Dean's hands, his smile spreading over his entire face, making him light up.

"Do you take this man, Castiel Novak to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"
"And do you take this man, Dean Winchester, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do"
"I now pronounce you husband and husband until the day you die. You may now kiss your spouse."
Cas and Dean leant in and kissed, a deep passionate, but brief kiss that meant everything.
Everyone clapped and cheered.
"Time for some food!" Dean yelled and the woops grew louder. Everyone made there way over to the food marquee, congratulating Cas and Dean as they passed. The buffet had at least 20 different pie flavours which Dean was very excited about and tucked in immediately.
"Congrats Deano" Dean smiled as Emily turned up behind him and slapped his back. She was wearing a black taylored suit, and cyan shirt.
"Thanks, you look nice"
"Ah, thanks. Alex looks better, she is smokin' in that dress. I've never been one for girly shit." Emily said, turning to her wife in the distance.
Dean followed her gaze and saw Alex wearing a tight cyan knee length dress, with a white lacy back.
"Woah. If we weren't both married, I would be hitting on her so fast her head would spin."
Emily laughed and patted Dean's shoulder.
"You'd have a knife In ya back before you could get within 10 feet." She smiled sinisterly. "Is something wrong?"
"No. I Just.... Well. My mum isn't here" "Well in my opinion she isn't worth your time then" She smiled, gently squeezed his arm reassuringly, and walked off. She slapped Alex's ass playfully, which made her laugh, turn around and kiss her.
They had brought Lawrence aswell, he had already come waddling over in his adorable little suit and praised Dean like he was a god.
"Dean, can we talk?"
"Sure" Charlie pulled him aside and grabbed Dorothy on the way.
"Do you think you might have room for one more at the bunker?"
"Yeah, we have a shit ton of rooms why do you-" Dean grinned and pulled them both into a big hug.
"I'm so happy for you!"
"She is 8 1/2 months pregnant, so it will be anytime soon" Dot smiled.
"Great. It will be lovely to have another cutie around. Talking of cuties, have either of you seen Cas?"
"Thanks for the support, and yes.... By the stream I think" Charlie replied and wandered off with Dot.
"Baby?" Cas turned around, brushing his hair out of his eyes and smiling, Jack was on his lap gurgling happily and grabbing Cas' fingers.
"Oh, hello Dean"
"Why you out here?"
"It's peaceful"
"Yeah" Dean sat down on the bench next to Cas and put his arm around him, who rested his head on Dean's shoulder.
"I love you. And Jack. I'm as happy as I'm ever gonna be. I've got everything I need right here" Dean gestured the tent.
"I love you too Dean." Cas kisses him gently. "And our family. But, God am I looking forward to the honeymoon" He grinned.
Dean laughed quietly. "Me too"
5 August 2017
"Have a nice time with uncle Sam and the others" Dean smiled down at Jack and pulled a funny face, which he giggled at.
"Bye everybody" Cas waved. Dean picked up their suitcases and they stepped out of the door.
"Right, operation decoration is a GO" Sam yelled and everyone scattered.
"Move out duty is on Sam and Eileen. Charlie, me and you are going to get supplies"
"Got it serge" Eileen smiled with a mock salute.
"We'll be back in about an hour"
9 August 2017
"Another lazy day complete" Dean laughed as he shut the hotel door behind him.
Cas was laying on the bed, naked, looking at Dean sweetly.
"Come here Dean"
Dean walked up to the bed, where Cas pulled him ontop of him, and kisses him passionately.
"I've missed this" Dean smiled as he ran his hand down Cas' bare chest and to his dick.
Cas moaned and tilted his head back, which Dean used as access to his sensitive spots. Cas' hands travelled every inch of Dean's skin, before he pulled his shirt off.
Dean unzipped himself, and leant back over Cas, sucking at his neck and planting hot kisses everywhere.
"Me too" Cas said, reaching Dean's ass and squeezing it encouragingly.
Dean lined himself up and thrust gently and slowly, making sure Cas remembered what he felt like.
Cas whined and kissed Dean's neck and jaw, leaving small hickeys.
Dean and Cas both Came together moments later, slowly coming down from their orgasms, and running light touches over each other.

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