Your a candle in the window

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11 April 2017
"Mornin Angel" Dean smiled into Cas' neck and planted a small kiss.
"You know, im not really an angel anymore"
"Wings or No, your my angel"
Cas turned around and kissed Dean softly as a thankyou.
"So, we should probably look around that room now" Dean frowned.
"Yeah, we have to do something while we're her, apart from make out"
They slowly got up and ready to look around.
LAST NIGHT (10 April 2017)
Sam had sent Mary out on a limb in South Dakota, so it was just him and Eileen in the bunker. He definitely liked Eileen, more than liked actually. But he wasn't sure how she felt, and didn't want to ruin a good freindship.
"Hi Sam" She said as she walked in with a beer. He turned to face her before saying "Hi, you look nice today" She raised her eyebrow. "Not that you dont look nice every other day, I just mean...."
She laughed at his akwardness and sat down opposite him in the library. She started reading through some lore and Sam was lost in a day dream.
"God I wish I could tell you how beautiful you are" He said outloud, knowing she obviously couldn't hear him. He looked down at his papers and carried on muttering to himself.
"I'd say, Eileen Leahy I love you. I would love to kiss you and wake up next to you in the morning and-"
She interrupted him "Sam" she said, as she got up and walked over to him.
"Im very good at lip reading"
"Oh- SHIT"
She just smiled and perched on his knee sideways.
"Im glad you said it finally- Kind of- iv been waiting." She said and leant in. She placed a soft kiss on his lips and it grew more passionate as he looped his arms around her waist. She moved them and grabbed his hand.
"You said you wanted to wake up next to me in the morning.... Why not make it tommorow morning" She smiled, and lead him towards her bedroom.
11 April 2017
Nothing! There was nothing to follow at the motel. Not a single clue as to where Kelly might have gone.
"Well, I guess we're heading back to the bunker" Dean said as they walked back to the impala.
"Yeah" Cas smiled
"Hey, did you notice Sam looking at Eileen strangely?"
"Yes. That is how I used to look at you when you weren't paying attention"
"Well, I think we both know what this means then"
"Sam is turning into me?" Cas said confused, and cocked his head in his adorable way.
"No Stupid. He loves her!!"
"We must get them together" Cas said excitedly and hopped into the car.
Dean got in and started up the engine.
"I love you. You know that?" Dean paused to say.
"I love you to Dean" Cas gleamed.
The impala parked in the garage and Cas and Dean got out, heading for Sam's room.
"Sam!" Dean called as he walked in.
Sam came stumbling out of his room with just his sweats on, his hair was a mess and Dean was pretty sure he had a hicky on his neck.
"Dean. I didn't know you were going to be back so soon"
"You had sex with Eileen. Didn't you?"
"What- How could you even suggest-"
"Oh hi Dean" Eileen interrupted as she shuffled out of Sam's room, wearing his shirt, which covered most of her, and rubbing her eyes.
"Goddammit" Sam said.
Eileen walked off to the kitchen, patting Sam's ass as she went past.
"That's pretty damning evidence" Cas said, who had just appeared from the library.
"Well you two can shut up"
"No, we think it's great that you found someone" Dean said.
"Oh" Sam smiled "Well, thanks"
"So does that mean she is going to be staying with us for a while longer?" Cas said.
"I hope so" Sam replied.
12 April 2017
The next day Charlie and Dorothy turned up with the same story as Cas and Dean. They had found nothing. Except love maybe. They were both acting soppier than usual, and they had been holding hands when they walked in- although they quickly let go when they saw people.
"Ya know, I think im gonna work on that living room" Dean said, as he stared around at all of them crammed around one table in the library.
"Good idea, we have nothing better to do until we find Kelly anyway"
13 April- 17 April 2017
It had been three days. Mary still wasn't back. Dean was busy in the Dean cave -what he was calling the livinv room- and Charlie and Dot would dissappear for hours on end, apparently working smaller cases.
That left Sam and Eileen lots of time together. Which they were enjoying immensely.
"Guys! Big announcement!" Dean said as he stepped into the library.
"The Dean cave is open for business"
Sam and Eileen followed Dean to the new living room and were pleasently suprised by what they found. Sam had been expecting fooseball, a bar, lazyboys and a jukebox. But what was there was actually a 3 seater, grey, fabric sofa placed infront of a coffee table and two smaller sofa's with the same look, placed sideways all aimed at a huge flatscreen TV. However there also was a small bar tucked into the corner of the room, and a jukebox at the far end so Sam wasn't completely wrong.
"Wow. Where the hell did you get this stuff?" Sam said as he fell into the comfy small sofa and spread out.
"Does that matter?" Eileen said as she stretched out on the sofa opposite Sam's.
"And now, the peice de resistance" Dean smiled as he reached for the TV remote. "I got it from that pawn shop. Ya know the one with the giant stuffed lizard that tried to kill us?"
He pressed the on button and watched as purple sparks flew from it. Sucking them all into an alternate universe.
Cas wandered around the bunker looking for Dean, or anyone. He decided to check the Dean cave. Dean had already shown him it, the second it had been finished, and they had celebrated with an erotic make out session on the couch, before Cas had to leave, to check up on Charlie. He had just got off the phone with her, and she said she and Dorothy would be coming home soon.
As he stepped through the door, nothing looked amiss, but he sat down on the couch anyway and relaxed. It was nice to actually have a comfy place to lounge that wasn't bed. Suddenly a purple light exploded from the television and he was transportated to a strange realm.
"Should we tell them about us?" Charlie inquired as they walked to the car park.
They had obviously not been on a case, they were at a motel...together....
It had been the fourth time and now they had decided they were in a relationship.
"You know what. I think we should" Dot smiled back and mounted her bike. Charlie got on behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist.

They got back home- at least that was what they considered it now- and found everyone sitting at the map table talking about scooby doo.
"What the hell are tou guys talking about?" Charlie asked.
They took it in turns to explain what had happened. Luckily Dean had managed to fish the pocket knife out of the back if the TV without breaking it, and they had gotten Jai arrested. So everything was good
"We have something to tell you" Dorothy said as they finished. She linked her hand in charlie's and everyone sighed.
"Thank God!" Sam said.
"We thought you were never gonna say it" Dean butted in.
"We already worked it out girls" Eileen clarified.
2 hours later they were all in their Pj's, sitting in the Dean cave for a horror movie marathon.
Dean and Cas had the big sofa. Dean laying his head in Cas lap as he watched the film. While Charlie and Dot shared a small one and sat holding hands, slightly leaning on eachother, and Sam and Eileen took the last, snuggling like teenagers.
It was a perfect evening and eveyone was very happy.

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