My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you

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10 July 2017
"We'll be leaving today. Thanks so much for helping Joe, and thank you for letting us stay, but we have to get back today. Alex will be wondering where we are."
"Who's Alex?" Charlie inquired.
"Her wife" Joe said in a mocking tone.
"Oh. I didn't realise you were....."
"Ace. Bi romantic" Emily turned and said with a smile.
They were sitting in the Dean cave with the news playing quietly in the background. Cas and Dean took a small sofa with Sam on their left and Jack on their laps. The girls took the big sofa together and once again Joe and Emily layed together on the other small sofa.
"Hey, lets play a game!" Charlie smiled.
"What?" Dean grimmaced.
"We all have to tell eachother one story behind a scar we have."
"Ok, sounds fun" Emily laughed as she took a huge swig of her beer.
"Fine" Dean muttered. "Although I dont think Jack has any to talk.about"
Everyone laughed.
"You first Emily.... Seeing as your new."
"You just wanna know how this happened dont you?" She grinned, indicating the scar on her cheek.
"Yeah, pretty much" Eileen butted in.
"It's not that interesting" Joe giggled.
"Well let them be rhe judges of that" Emily retaliated with a slap to Joe's arm.
"Fine" Joe mumbled. "It was 6 years ago, in England...."
"We used to live there." Emily added
"I knew you had an accent!" Dot shouted triumphantly.
"Well, we were born there. We only moved 4 years ago. Alex moved with us. She is actually scottish." Joe said.
"Anyway." Emily raised her voice a little to be hurt over the chatter that burst forth after that. "We found a case involving a demon."
"Lets just say they caught us" Joe snarled at his friend.
"Hey it wasn't my fault!" Emily said defensively.
"Anyway. They tortured Emily. She held up pretty well until they slit her face and it went really deep."
"Yeah. So. There we go." Emily smiled, slightly embarrassed.
Everyone was on the edges of their seats when Joe looked up.
"Well? How did you get out?" Cas finally said, breaking the silence.
"Well. My knight in shining armour of course. Brandishing her Angel blade, she dismounted her trusty steed- her motorcycle- and vanquished the foe"
"Alex" Joe clarified.
"How did she get an angel blade?" Cas seemed genuinely shocked.
"We all have them" Joe said.
Emily and Joe both reached behind them and pulled out an angel blade. Cas reached out and Emily passed him hers.
"Hey, whats that?" Sam said, noticing the tatoo on Emily's wrist. Looking closer he saw it was the initals J. A. L.
"Who is that?"
"Who are they" Joe corrected.
"Joseph.. Alex.. Lawrence" Emily said.
"Who's Lawrence?"
"My son"
"awwww that's so sweet." Charlie smiled.
"I have one too." Joe lifted the arm of his shirt and there was a lightning bolt with"Emily..Liz..Steeve..Amy" He read out the initials within the bolt.
"Who are the others?" Dot asked.
"My mum, dad and two sisters. They are all dead now.... It is a memorial to them."
"Oh...... Im sorry"
"Dont be. It is but a memory now. I was young at the time."
"There aren't enough letters" Cas stated matter of factly.
"There aren't enough initials for all of those people and Emily."
"There is only one E but one of his sisters was called Emily aswell."
"Ah" Everyone said together.
"Anyway. Someone elses turn." Emily said.
"Ok, me" Dot smiled. She pulled her hair aside and revealed a long scar snaking down her neck.
"Oow, that looks like it hurt" Joe said.
"Yeah, fight with one if the Witches weird monkey things. It pinned me and clawed down my neck."
Everyone looked shocked.
"Dean?" Joe inquired.
Dean lifted up his shirt and showed the red hand print on his shoulder.
"How the hell?" Joe squeaked.
"Exactly that.... When I went to hell I was rescued."
"By who?" Confusion was evident in Emily's voice.
Cas knew what to do to explain it all. He placed his hand over the mark and everyone saw how it fit perfectly.
"But how?" Joe said.
"I used to be an angel"
"WHAT!!!" Emily and Joe both shouted in unison.
"Then I lost my grace. But I am happy as a human. I can be with Dean and my son until the day we die." He smiled over at Jack.
"Which I guess leads onto my scar." he said shyly.
"You dont have to Cas.... It's personal" Dean reassured him.
"No. Its a story. Remember what you said to me. Its nothing to be ashamed of." Dean smiled back at Cas as he turned around and lifted the back of his shirt to everyone.
A huge gasp ran through the room. It was a suprise to everone, as the only person who new was Dean.
Two giant, vertical scars ran in parallel most of the way down his back.
"My wings..."
"Oh my god Cas.... Im so sorry" Sam said sympathetically.
"Its ok... Really. Im used to it now, and they don't hurt too much." Cas was lying. They were excruciating. Every time he moved they hurt, but he wouldn't let on. He didn't want Dean to worry. He lied to keep his mind at ease.
"You still up for that challenge Dean? Or are you chicken? Dont want to get beat by a girl?"
"Hey! I was born ready."
"I wouldn't if I were you Dean. She is freakishly strong. SERIOUSLY!" Joe laughed.
They sat oposite each other in the library glaring. Joe knew who was going to win but he wanted to see it anyway. Dean slammed his arm down ready to arm wrestle.
"Your execution" Emily grinned and met his hand with hers.
"3.... 2....1..." Joe counted down. "Go"
Emily held her arm completely still against Dean's full efforts.
"Oh come on. Try harder." She laughed.
3 minutes later it was still going exept everyone was round the table now.
"DEAN. DEAN. DEAN. DEAN" Cas and Sam were chanting where as the girls just stood behind Emily laughing at Dean's attempts.
"This is totally unfair."
"Do you want me to put my full effort in?" Emily grinned maniacally.
Emily flattened Deans arm to the table in seconds.
"Target practice" Emily laughed.
"Fine I should be better at that."
As they walked off to the range, everyone close behind, Dean turned to Joe and whispered.
"You were right. Freakish."
"She was weirdly strong before.she started workin' out"
Dean laughed and went to his bay and loaded his gun.
"Oh. Dude she isn't using a gun" Joe said.
"She does knives"
"Well then I should be able to beat her. Right?"
"Ha. Good luck."
Dean fired off 5 shots. 4 landed on the bullseye in the head. 1 landed slightly to the left, but still the head.
"My turn" She said smoothly.
She started at the first bay. She faced the target, pulled a small blade out of her back pocket and lauched it gracefully at the target.
"Bullseye" Joe stated.
She did the same with 3 more targets. Bullseye everytime. On the last target she lined herself up sidewards to face Dean. She smiled confidently and threw the blade without looking.
"Bullseye?!!" Dean shouted, irritated.
"Ha. Told ya".Joe and Emily both said in unison.
"So.... Bye I guess. I had fun earlier. And thanks for the challenge, not that it was much of one." Emily and Joe laughed together. "Ya know. This wasn't a half bad way to spend a birthday" Emily smiled.
"It's your birthday?" Cas asked.
"Yeah. And I quite enjoyed it. Anyway bye?"
"Hey hey hey. You don't get away that easily!" Eileen called after them. When they turned around she pulled them both into a hug and said. "If you ever need a friend. We are all here"
"Thanks" Emily said as she and Joe were passed around the group, getting hugs from everyone.
"Have a great wedding!" Emily said as they were leaving.
"Dont worry you'll be getting an invite" Dean and Cas smiled.
"How? You dont have our address'"
"I hacked into your phones and got your numbers" Sam said shyly.
"COOL!" Emily said.
"But creepy..." Joe added
"Yeah creepy." They both said together and laughed.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now