And if I have to crawl upon the floor

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1 July 2017
Cas and Dean opened the bunker door slowly- it was late and they weren't sure who would be awake, if anyone- and slipped inside. They had just returned from their first hunting trip since Jack. It was just one werewolf, they handled it pretty well Dean thought.
They heard the others before they saw them. There was a crash, followed by swearing and then screaming. Sam and Charlie came racing in.
"Oh hey" they both said in unison, then rushed off to the kitchen. A moment later they came running back through with buckets of water, and blankets.
"What the hell happened?" Dean yelled down to them. Instead of answering him they motioned for him to follow them.

They reached the catastrophe in less than a minute.
"What the fuck!!!"
"May I ask how you managed to set fire to our bedroom!" Cas shouted to be heard over the flames.
"Just help us put it out then we'll explain" Sam snapped.
After the desk had been extinguished and the wall patted down, the four of them slumped down onto the floor in exhaustion.
Suddenly Cas leapt up. "Where's Jack?"
Charlie waved a hand dismissively. "Dont even get me started on that child" Sam laughed.
"Eileen and Dorothy are looking for him.
"Did you take his grow off?" Dean said exasperated.
"We had to- he pooped" Charlie replied.
"UGH" Cas slumped back down. "Did he do this?"
"Yep. Then when the flames got too big for comfort he just flapped off"
Charlie grinned. "He's smart, ill give him that. But also possibly evil"
"Found Him!!!" Dot shouted from the library. She came stumbling in moments later with the baby in her arms. She thrust him over to Cas and went running out again, pulling Sam with her.

They came back in a few minutes later with Eileen, she was bleeding.
"Woah. What happened."
"Its nothing serious" Eileen smiled, seeing the others worry, and dabbed the blood of her forehead.
"Stuff was flying around and I didn't duck in time. That's all"
"Jack didn't mean it guys. He is a baby, he can't control his powers. Thats all."
Eileen said for the 7th time.
"But what if it had been more serious?"
"Your right Sam. We need to find a way to dampen his abilities. Before be hurts himself, or someone else. Again" Cas said gently.
"Rowena" Sam suddenly said.
"What?" Everyone said as one.
"She owes us a favor. Maybe she can help?"
"Fine.... You keep an eye on her around my son though!" Dean said protectively.
"What'da want Sam?"
"You owe us a favour"
"Please Rowena, this is very important"
"Fine! But ye not chaining me up again. I want full trust"
"Ok, just get here as soon as possible."
7 July 2017
It had been a week since the call to Rowena. Sam was giving up hope that she would ever arrive.
Jack was nearly 28 weeks old now. Sam was worried that when he started walking he will be so much more trouble.
He was also planning to propose to Eileen tonight, and was very nervous.
The baby had been put to bed and Cas and Dean were undoubtedly asleep by now. Sam had also noticed Charlie and Dot scuttling off together excitedly. Well, lets hope they have more fun than me tonight. This is probably going to go terriblly.

Eileen came sauntering in and shut the door behind her.
"Hiya Sammy" she grinned.
Sam fumbled with the ring box behind his back. "Uh- Hi"
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing" He smiled. "Just nervous"
"About what Bean?"
"This." Sam knelt down on one knee. "Eileen, will you-"
There was a loud knocking, resounding through the bunker.
"That was a knock"Sam said as he knew she didn't hear it.
Eileen grabbed Sam off the floor, kissed him and dragged him to the war room saying. "Ask me in a few hours"
"I need a wee bit of help Sam" Rowena said as she fell through the open door.
Sam caught her and helped her down the stairs.
"What the hell took you so long. And what the hell happened?"
"I ran into an old enemy. Lets just say you should see what she looks like" Rowena grimmaced.
"Are you wounded? I cant see any blood"
"It's a spell you fool! If I dont get the right ingredients to heal myself, ill be dead in-" She looked down at her watch. "43 minutes"
"What do you need? Tell us and we will can help" Eileen said out of nowhere.
"I had no idea you were so desperate to save me, im flattered"
"No, we just really need some help, and we can't get it if your dead" Sam said.
"Well in that case I'll need..."
After 10 minutes of running around fetching ingredients and 20 minutes chanting, Rowena finally slumped back into a chair and demanded some whiskey.
"Now, what do you need that's so important?"
"Ok. I think I might be able to make something that can dampen his powers for a while..... But"
"But?" It was just Sam and Rowena in thw library now.
"Well. There is something I want from you."
Sam stared blankly back at her, irritation building.
"A certain spell book that you may have in your archive."
"May have?"
"Look, I know you have it. I want it Sam. I can do amazing things with it. You wont regret it. I promise."
"And then you will owe us another one?"
"If you give me this book, you can have unlimited favors until you die!"
"Fine. DONT tell the others."
"Uh-Huh? Wha-"
"Cas get your lazy ass out of bed, our son is crawling!"
Cas was up and sitting next to Dean in seconds.
Jack was unsteadily crawling over to Cas from Dean's lap.
"That's it. You can do it Jack. Go to Papa"
"Come on Jacky. You can do it" Cas held his arms out to the baby, who made a happy gurgling noise and flung himself into Cas' hands.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now