I cant fight this feeling any longer

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18 February 2017
"Well, that was fun!" Dean shrugged his duffle bag into the chair and fell onto the bed.
"I wouldn't call a nest of Vamps fun" Sam said and threw his jacket down on his own bed.
"Hey, do you know what Cas is up to?" Dean questioned, lifting his head from his pillows.
"Nah, I haven't spoken to him since Missouri" Sam turned to dean "Why"
"Im just worried about him" Dean replied, letting his head drop again.
"He'll be fine, he's a big boy, he can take care of himself Dean"
Sam said as he started towards the bathroom.
"Yeah, I know I just worry"
"Well don't" Sam called back from inside the bathroom before the sound off rushing water cut him off. He shut the door,muttering to himself.
As soon as Dean heard Sam get into the shower he shimmied to the edge of the bed and placed his hands together. He dipped his head down so his forehead rested on his fingers, closed his eyes and started to pray.
" Cas....Castiel......Please... Why aren't you answering me- us. What's the news on Kelly, on the baby." Dean waited for the flutter of wings but when he heard nothing he carried on.
" Please Cas, buddy, I need you. Im getting really worried, just tell me your ok, Please."
Dean's heart twisted inside his chest, he wanted to see Cas, to hug him, to hold him. He was struggling with his emotions, he knew he cared for Cas, but he was family so of course he did. But it was more than that. It was a new feeling.
He didn't have much time to think about it, as Sammy stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towl, and interrupted his thoughts.
"Who were you talking to?"
"No-one...Your hearin things Bro" Dean shrugged him off nonchalantly.
The next morning Dean woke up to a pattering at the window 'great, it's raining' he turned over and wrapped himself up in the blankets. He layed there for a few minutes, just cozy, before getting up quietly, as to not disturb Sam, and heading to the bathroom.
Dean washed his face, cleaned his teeth, and shaved. After that he needed some fresh air, so he stepped outside and found it was still dark. The rain wasn't to bad, it was almost refreshing, and it really woke him up. Dean hadn't slept well last night, he was tormented with dreams if Cas, in pain, being tortured, all alone and thinking he had been abandoned. He was glad he had woken, he didnt think he could cope with another pain riddled dream. He sat on a bench outside his room and stared at the ground, thinking of Cas, and where he could possibly be.
When he turned to go back inside it was dawn ' I guess I was out here for longer than I realised '
After some time Sam stirred and slowly woke, rubbing his eyes.
" Mornin Sunshine " Dean grinned and shut off his phone, for the past hour he had been staring at the messaging screen, trying to come up with something to text Cas, but was lost for words.
Sam replied with a grunt and staggered over to the bathroom.
Dean decided to try one more time before they left the motel "Castiel please. If your there, if you can hear me, please come back to us.... To me.... I need you" He realised he sounded desperate but he was beyond caring at this point. He was to worried to care.
Once again there was nothing, Dean was giving up when he heard the familiar Woosh of Cas' wings and jumped up as a bleeding crumpled mess fell before him.
"What happened. Do you think he found Kelly?" Sam exclaimed.
They had layed Cas down on Deans bed to get a better look at his wounds. While he was unconscious they had patched him up, and now he lay shirtless, wrapped up, like a mummy, in bandages.
When they had cleaned him up Dean had noticed to large gashes, they were vertical, parallel marks that ran most of the way down his back. He had shrugged it off and patched them up, wondering how he got them.
"That doesn't matter Sam" Dean said, rather irritated "It only matters that he's gonna be ok!"
"De-Dean" Stuttering and harsh, like his throat was sore, Cas spoke.
Both Sam and Dean snapped their heads over to Cas' limp body.
"Dean" he said again.
Dean rushed to Cas' side and put his hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright Cas, Buddy, Im here"
Dean tried to sound not gay as he said it, but obviously it didn't work, it never did.
Sam sat down on the bed next to Cas and Breifly patted his arm, as a way of saying 'glad your ok'. But he wasn't ok. He was bleeding, and he shouldn't be. And why hadn't he healed himself?
As Cas lay clutching at his side, where the biggest gash was, he looked so vulnerable. Like he never had before, apart from when he...Lost..His..Grace!
"Cas, what happened to you, WHO DID THIS!!??. WHO DO I NEED TO GANK!!??" Dean was very protective, he wanted to hunt down the Bastard that had done this to Cas.
"Angels.... Took.... Grace" was all Cas managed to get out before gripping his side and howling in agony.
"It's alright" Dean cooed "Rest"

He pulled Sam aside
"Sammy, what do we do?"
"I think we let him rest, ill rent another room, you stay and keep an eye on him"Sam paused " When he is a little better, we get him back to the bunker"
"Ok, you go get that other room, ill check on his injuries again, that one on his hip looks bad"
"Yeah" Sam left and shut the door behind him. Dean walked over to his bed and leant over Cas to pull the sheets over him. After he had done rhia he perched on the bed next to him and watched him. He was in the stage before proper sleep where your slightly awake still. Cas' eyes fluttered and he mumbled something. It sounded like Dean's name, but he couldn't be sure. Suddenly his hand shot out, as if reaching for something. Dean watched curiously as it scanned the space until it found his own hand. Dean didn't know what was going on, he didn't know what to do to comfort Cas, so he did what he tought Cas wanted. He took his hand and squeezed it gently in a reassuring way. Then he leant down and kissed Cas' forehead. Cas immediately calmed and turned his head and smiled in a half conscious way.
Dean unlatched their hands, got up, and slumped back onto what had been Sam's bed to watched Cas intently.

I Cant Fight This Feeling Anymore (Destiel) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now