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New friend

Taehyung is at Daegu right now, he visits his grandparents graveyard. He is with Jin, who just finish his intern here as a doctor. They will be back together in Seoul because, Jin will work as a new doctor at the clinic.

"I don't wanna come back hyung." Jin looked at his younger brother.

"Tae. You know that you can't... You just told me that your roommate will be in abig trouble if you left." Jin reminded him.

"I feel like I am sick whenever I was inside the house." Jin looked at his younger brother.

"Sick? How come? Are you experiencing something like paranormal?" Jin asked.

"It could be a paranormal because... I feel so warm wherein... I've used to feel so cold." Taehyung answered without looking Jin.

Jin was so confused at his words. "I don't get anything... Would you mind if you explained it to me?" Jin said.

Taehyung sighed. "I met Yoongi hyung at the University he was asking where are you? Like hyung you didn't say a goodbye when you left him?" Taehyung asked avoiding Jin's question.

"Aigoo... It's because following you here is more important. I haven't called him because I change my number. So now that I am back... I hope he will not kick my ass out of our shared apartment." Jin said and looked at his younger brother hoping he will open the topic awhile ago.

"Anyways hyung I am going back to Seoul now." Taehyung said.

"I think I will go with you. Like I've stayed here for 2 years my internship as a doctor is now done." He said.

Today is Jungkook's vacant, but he decided to go get some part time as a librarian. It was already morning, but there is no sign of Taehyung.

He cooked breakfast and left some kimbop at the table. In case Taehyung came back at lunch he can eat it.

Jungkook's duty started, most of the time he just stands at the counter. If there is a student requested to find some books he will, or they will ask for early borrow like they will register OL that they are finding this book he will get all of them.

Taehyung got home, he saw the food at the table. Tho he already ate... He decided to put those in a clean Tupperware and decided to visit the library. To do some readings or peace of mind for awhile.

There are some books that he was interested in... So he that is what he gets. While he was checking for a good book. He pulled one at the shelf and that make a hole to see the next side or shelf of the book. He saw Jungkook seriously reading and picking some books.

For unknown reason he can't get away his eyes at the younger. Taehyung would find him furrowing his brows or scrunching his nose... Taehyung shakes his head at how cute he is. His hair is slightly curled today that makes look him a baby, and those slightly tinted red cheeks of him and the rosy lips is a bonus. To make the descriptions short... Kim Taehyung was mesmerized by the beauty of Jeon Jungkook.

"What is the difference between this and this?" Jungkook was starting talking to himself.

Taehyung didn't realize that he was at the same shelf where Jungkook is... "That book is about the solutions and that one are the situational problems." Taehyung answered as he acted like he was getting some books.

"Oh—" Jungkook was about to talk to him but Taehyung suddenly left him there.

It was lunch already. Jungkook was about to leave when he saw Taehyung was sleeping. He looked at his surroundings students are leaving the library to eat. So he decided to check Taehyung.

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