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The following days are kinda hard for Jungkook. His palpitations are not that worst... but it just he gets palpitates whenever Taehyung is around.

From the past 3 days, Jungkook told Jin that their plan on having a dinner at their mansion in weekdays was changed. They planned it on weekends so Taehyung, Jin and his father can have some time with each other.

Since it was Daegu, it is also Yoongi's hometown. So Jungkook will be with his sunbae for 2 days and 1 night. Well Jungkook was relieved enough because he won't be gett those weird fast beatings in his heart when Taehyung was around.

Jungkook went out to his room and jumps in surprise when Taehyung was standing outside his room.

"H— hyung!" Jungkook stutters.

"I– I went to Jin hyung's apartment today... he told me where did you go when you left for 3 days." Taehyung started.

Jungkook's heart was not beating so fast right now.

"If— if you were in my situation... would you go with me and see him?" Taehyung asked.

"I— yeah. If I were you I will see him. He is my father, parents are different in so many ways... they show their love in different ways... if I can see that he is really willing to change I will help him." Jungkook answered without stuttering.

Taehyung smiled. "Please stay with me while we are there tomorrow." Taehyung said asking a favor in a most gentle way that Jungkook doesn't know how he will turn him down.

His heart started beating so fast again— thump... thump... thump...

"Oh– yes I will hyung." Jungkook answered.

He slap himself internally for answering that.

"Okay I will pack my clothes now." Taehyung said smiling... and if that smile was not the same smile that give him this nervousness—

Nervous he started gay panicking I mean panicked because what if he have a heart disease? Taehyung knocks at his door room. He opened it—

"Ah? Yes hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Ah— well I haven't eaten lunch... and I am hungry. Like if you are not busy... can you cook something for me?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook wants to slap his face right now because he can feel like his cheeks are getting hot. Do I have a fever? He thought.

"Ohh– okay I will do the grocery. Do you want carbonara for our dinner hyung?" Jungkook asked as he get their food allowance in his drawer.

Taehyung chuckled. Jungkook's mouth went agape... why the hell the older was smiling a lot lately? That if this Kim Taehyung continues... he might get a fever always.

"I will go with you let me change." Taehyung said and went to his room. Jungkook stops him.

"Hyung! Remember you said you don't want the other students see us. What if they are at the grocery too?" Jungkook asked trying his best to lowkey stop Taehyung going with him.

"Ah oh yeah..." Taehyung suddenly remember.

When Jungkook arrives at the grocery he started buying what he needs he saw some of his classmates. It was the group of girl that fangirling over Tae when the day he came back.

"Did you notice?" The girl with a ribbon said.

"He is smiling lately!" The other girl said jumping excitedly.

"He is. Taehyung is so handsome when he smiles!" The other girl said.

He came back from grocery seeing a Kim Taehyung sleeping soundly in the living room. Jungkook noticed how the older lips are slightly parted he suddenly remember the accident last Monday. He gulped— he marched himself in the kitchen and started cooking.

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