Why are you avoiding me?

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"Hyung? Does it sound weird if I call someone baby? Like I just called him because he is cute like a baby bunny." Taehyung said as he was combing Yeontan's hair.

"If you are referring to Jungkook. He is really cute like a baby. But why so sudden?" Jin asked and put their McDonald's in the center table (a/n: mcdo didn't pay for this promotion — should I use wcdo instead? XD) they just ordered food...

Well Taehyung was at Jin and Yoongi's apartment for what reason? Jungkook was busy with their school project. While Taehyung was just here sitting—

"Wait— I should be with him right now— it was said that we are automatically group mates in every projects at school." Taehyung said his cheeks are both full of food.

"Oho! Don't talk when your mouth is full." And Yoongi knock his head using an hard boiled egg.

"Ah— hyung!" Taehyung whines.

"Ohhh— his head is really hard." Yoongi said pointing in to Jin. Jin laughed with the two bickering again.

"Anyways. I heard it was change— isn't dad let the both of you do what you want. I just wonder why Jungkook still waits you... did you not told about it?" Taehyung gulped.

"You can now decide for your own Tae. It's up to you if you will stay there in the apartment. I am also giving you back you black cards now." Mr. Kim said.

Taehyung felt so happy that finally his treasures are back.

"Don't worry dad. I will stay there... I feel warm at Jungkook's company in the house." Taehyung said smiling putting back his black card back in his wallet.

"Ohh... really." Mr. Kim said smiling.

"Ha?— I forgot. Yeah— I forgot." Taehyung said and started picking his food putting it in the paper bag. Then take his leave...

"Wow—" the older both commented.

"I feel like I saw Jungkook's avoiding action to someone years ago." Jin said and looked at Yoongi.

"Don't look at me in that way. I am sure that wasn't me." Yoongi said rolling his eyes and started eating his food again.

Jin just kissed Yoongi's crimson red cheeks because it is so cute!

While Taehyung was on his way back home... he saw Jungkook— with that Jimin guy again. Why he is with him again?

"Let me Jungkook. I will walk you there." Jimin asked politely to escort Jungkook in his way back home.

Taehyung can hear it. Does this Jimin guy likes him?

"No! Hyung! I am fine— you should go home now! It's getting late." Jungkook said.

"Get in your car." Jungkook said and pushed Jin to the driver's seat.

"Okay okay." Jimin said chuckling.

He hold Jungkook's both hands. "Take care. Okay. Call me when you get back home." Jimin said smiling at him. Jungkook smiled back and nodded as an answer.

Taehyung can see and hear everything. What the hell? Am I watching some kdrama right now? Is there a camera near here? This is so cringe tsk. He even smiled at him! Taehyung whining in his thoughts.

"I should buy my own car too. So I can drive the both of us back in the dorm together." Taehyung muttered.

Jimin's car has already left while Jungkook sighed. Taehyung silently followed Jungkook... Jungkook stopped when he arrives at their apartment building.

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