chapter 5- mom... i'm everything but straight

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Sam's POV

After questioning my sexuality for a while i realised 2 things.

1. I was gay as hell
2. I was gay as hell for Colby Brock

Yep that's right I'm gay for my best friend! That's super nice! I figured is should come out to my parents.... That was going to be great fun... I walked downstairs nervous as hell.

"Hey... Mom..." I said and she turned to look at me.

"Yes Sammy.. What's up?" She asked.

"Well we need to have a talk..." I said looking at my feet hoping she wouldn't say something stupid.

"Did you get a girl pregnant Sam if so your in big trouble Mister!" She said and I cringed at the thought of screwing a girl.

"No! Mom... I didn't get a girl pregnant... I promise!" I said.

"Okay that's good! Well let's go sit down and have a talk then. Your dad's in the lounge shall we meet in there?" She asked and I thought. Maybe he should know.

"Yeah might as well" I said with a sigh and followed her to the lounge

"Sam needs to talk to us dear" she said and my dad turned away from his computer. That made me get 10 times more nervous.

"Son did you finally get a girlfriend" he asks and I shake my head looking at my feet trying not to cry they were going to hate me I just knew it.

"Well what the hell is it sammy?" She asked excited. She wasn't going to be after she found out what I was telling her.

"I...I'm.." I said a few tears starting to fall now.

"Sam dear just get it out it'll be okay I promise" she said rubbing my back.

"Yeah come on Sam it's not like your a gay guy coming out after your 15 years of life!" My dad said with a smirk except I was.

"I'm gay..." I said and started to ball thinking they would hate me. So I ran to my room and fell on my bed crying.

"Sam wait!" My mom yelled but I didn't care I wanted the world to end.

"Sam come in it's okay to be gay we still love you your still our son that won't change" my dad said as he opened the door. 

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