chapter 9- suicide bridge

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Sam's POV
Once we got the ouji board out we set ourselves up. He started the camera.

"Hey guys it's Sam and colby!" He said to the camera.

"And today we're going to be doing something extremely stupid! What may you ask? Well playing with an ouji board on suicide bridge!" I said.

"Without further notice let's start this thing!" Colby said smirking. We set up the board and started to paly about halfway through we decided to ditch the board to go look around. We were smart and ended the game and everything. We went exploring and came across this one place. We went in of course! I went a bit a head of colby. After 5 minutes or so I realized that Colby wasn't right behind me.

"Colby?" I ask.

"SAM!!" I hear him yell I followed it anf found him on the ground crying. I got really akward chills. I helped him up and we went back to his dad's truck. He was crying.

"Colby what Happened talk to me!" I said trying to calm him.

"I I don't know something grabbed me and threw me on the ground... I I don't know Sam..." He said crying. I hugged him.

"Shh colby I've got you nothing is going to happen I promise! Shhh" I said and held him.
Colby's POV
We got back to my house and I was still freaked out my mom and dad decided to have a date night and all so it was just gonna be me and Sam home the rest of the night. He went to the spare room and I went to my room I started to edit a few videos when I heard a loud bang I opened my door and nothing was there and nothing was different. I ran to Sam. I knocked on the door he opened it as soon as he heard a tap.

"Colby's what's going on what's wrong?" He asked and pulled me on his bed.

"I heard a loud sound from my room and I looked and there nothing.!!!" I managed to get out. I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"Shh colby it's gonna be okay I promise let's go, you can show me what happened, okay?" He said and I nodded. We walked to my room and I tensed up.

"You okay?" Sam asked a very tense Colby. I nodded. We walked into my room and sat at my desk with my computer.

"I was sitting here working on a few videos and had my music on low so I wouldn't bug you and I was working on the part where you cought me being thrown and I heard the loud boom or band whatever it was." I said freaking out still.

"Was it really loud?" Sam asked.

"Loud enough for me to hear but nothing super loud" I said. And he nodded.

"Well let's try and get some rest okay Colby?" He asked and I nodded. He left and I got into my pajamas. I realized I was going to have to be alone. I wasn't a big fan of that but I got into bed anyways. I really do love this boy just because I didn't feel anything in that one kiss means nothing.... I really do like him.
Sam's POV
I didn't want leave colby but.... Yeah I won't go into it... I heard footsteps I didn't honestly know who or what they were. It was just me and colby there his parents went on a date night. I heard a slight knock and I hit up and opened it.

"Hey colb you okay?" I ask seeing Colby at my door. He shook his head no.

"Sammy can I sleep with you tonight?" He ask a blush going over his face I smiled and nodded. I shut my light off and went to his room. He climbed into bed.

"Thanks Sammy" Colby said cuddling up to me. I just held him until he was asleep.

"I love you colby" I wispered.

"I love you too Sammy" he mumbled back.

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