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Sunday went by fast, chris and i just hanged out and had so much fun, everything was going great and tomorrow college begins, we go to class, no party's today, My family is doing fine and Aubrey cant wait to meet me next Saturday. 


I wake up super excited for college, this is so exciting, new friends, new people, and hopefully better people i can surround myself around with. People who dont wanna go party. I'm done. My only class today was english, which i am so excited for, i have a huge interest in english, my favourite thing to do is book study. I love to read and write about the books i have read. 

I get ready and walk myself down and i see one boy standing with his mac book and stacks of books in his hand. "hi, are you also in this class.. wait James". i ask. "rihanna, yeah i do english, english is my minor". "oh that's cool, english is actually my minor also, but that's cool". "yeah, also i had a bad first impression on you, so lets restart, "hi rihanna, i'm James, nice to meet you". haha your funny, nice to meet you James". i reply back, and giggle. Maybe he isn't that bad after all, i wonder why chris, doesn't like James. i dont know. i let it slide for now. 

The professor comes with his bag and opens the class, "you kids are early". the professor says as he sticks the keys in to open the classroom. "yeah, well i guess, we better start being organised" i reply. "well come on in". the professor says as he opens the door and gets his keys out of the lock on the knob. "well i'm professor Wilson", "nice to meet you professor Wilson" both me and James say as we then look at each other and start laughing. "well my name is rihanna". "an im James". "well welcome to english, take you seats". the professor says as people are now finally stared to walk in the class, it looks like this will be a big class. 

"so James, what is your major". i ask, to start a topic. "my major is photography". "wow, that's cool" i smile as i open my book and get my pen out of my pencil case. "what's your major then since this is your minor too". James asks. "i am majoring in Therapy Advanced and minor is english". i reply back as our class has now more people when i look around. "cool, amazing, you look like a very smart girl rihanna". "aww thanks, James, so do you". i reply back. James and i just talked and laughed waiting for class to begin. "what's the time". James asks as he looks around. "it's 9:56am it should start soon" i reply, as i look up at James and see him giving a smirk to chris who was above us on the other side seats, he looks mad, and angry, i wonder why. I smile at chris, but he looks nervous when he looked at me, ill just see him later, he is starting to freak me out. 

the Lecture went really fast, maybe because, James is actually really funny, and is hard working, he's a very good guy, i thought wrong about him. The lecture was over, I look over at chris and he looks angry, chris is looking at James very rudely and James, he just keeps on smirking at him, his smirks are looking evil, but i dont think he intentionally means it, maybe it's just the way he smirks. 

I'm finally out of the class and head to the cafeteria, and happened to see chris there. i'm pretty angry because h just left me and didn't wait. He didn't see me but i walked over to him and punched his shoulder, "how could you, what the hell". i yell. "what.. what did i do". he says nervous. "thats it.. ugh, you should no, i cant believe it you did this". "what.. did James tell you because i dont know what he talking about". he replies confused, and nervous. "what" i say confused, "why would James say something". i ask confused. "oh, nothing, what did i do, tell me rih". he asks. while i'm still confused why is he asking about James, i dont know so i will just let it slide. "you didn't, even wait for me". "well that's because i thought, you were having fun with your new friend, you know i dont like him, why would you go to him, after i told you everything". he says sad, "oh, yeah i totally forgot, but he's nice maybe, you should give him another shot". "where not friends and won't ever be friends rihanna, understand, just fuck it you wont so ugh get lost, oh i'll just leave". he barges out the cafe, leaving me standing there not knowing what to do. What on earth just happened, did i say something ... 

I go to my room, with my coffee in my hands and see a group sitting there, along with kat, ally and chris. Well ally is sitting on chris and she has her arms around her, this is making me feel weird, he's not my boyfriend, were not even friends, but why do i feel like i just got stabbed in the heart. 




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