Chapter 41: One Day At A Time

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Hey everyone! I was finally able to get this done. My goal is still to have the last chapter up by October 1st, and I think that's still possible. :) But I thought I would upload this early; I was going to wait until the other one was done, but... I changed my mind.

Sorry to anyone who likes corned beef and cabbage. I personally have nothing against it. The cabbage just bugs me sometimes. lol :P

Shout out to Kat, because she is keeping me motivated to get this done. :)

One more chapter guys. I can't believe this story is that close to being done. Keep an eye out for the next chapter. Maybe it will be out sooner than I think. :)

Hope you enjoy!


            Diana was mindlessly surfing the internet while lying in bed. She had just got home from class, and for once she didn’t have any homework to contend with. Per usual, there wasn’t anything interesting on the internet, minus some spoilers for the next night’s Supernatural episode. As of recent though, watching her favorite television show had been the only thing she had really been looking forward to. That and waiting to hear from Artemis. She was counting down the days before he visited again. It was March 17th now, Saint Patrick’s Day, both to her delight and horror. While it was one of her favorite holidays (now for different reasons), it meant her mother was cooking corned beef and cabbage per usual. While Diana actually didn’t mind the beef, the cabbage was another thing entirely. The house was going to smell bad for weeks; all Diana had to hope for was that it didn’t radiate like the year she could smell it all the way across the street.

            The girl rested her head against the pillow she had been leaning on. She was tired; school was starting to drain her. While she had about two months to go, she couldn’t just start slacking off now. She just had to survive until the end of May. She could do that. After all… it was then that Artemis would be back, and she would be about done with school too. This time, it would be a bit different. Artemis would be staying with them for a few weeks; through prom, graduation, and her open house. While Diana was excited for that, she was growing ever more nervous. Once that was all said and done, she would only have a few months of freedom before she would be whisked away to college. More specifically the same one as Artemis. He had been helping her get everything together so she could attend with him, since getting information sent internationally could take forever, not to mention making sure her test scores and grades were up to par.

            Diana was shaken from her thoughts as she heard the somewhat gentle, yet annoying beeping from Skype. Someone was trying to talk to her. She lifted her head, just enough to see Artemis’ name and picture in the middle of her computer screen. Lazily, she clicked on the ‘answer with video’ button, waiting for a few moments before Artemis’ face and upper body appeared on her screen. Although he had a smile on his face, Diana could tell he was tired; it was, after all, about nine at night there right now and she was sure his classes had mentally drained him. Not to mention she could see the dark circles under his eyes.

            “You look rough, babe,” she began.

            “I could say the same about you,” Artemis countered. “Long day at school?”

            Diana couldn’t resist rolling her eyes. “You have no idea. I’m just glad soccer practice got cancelled because of the rain. Not that I would’ve minded, but you know… I could use the break.”

             Artemis nodded. “Your first game is next week, isn’t it?”

            Diana nodded in response. “Yea, and we are so not ready. We’re going to get stomped by Bay City Western. Per usual, but… you know. I’d at least like to pretend we’re going to make it to half time without the mercy rule kicking in,” she sighed.

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