Chapter 6: It's Not Me, It's You

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This chapter has been by far the HARDEST one I've had to write for this story so far. So much is going on, and so many emotions are present here. I know it's a bit... sappy if you will, but believe me when I say this plays a vital role later on in the story. ;)


Diana sat outside in her backyard, staring intensely into the bonfire. The girl was admittedly not in one of her best moods. She was preparing herself, waiting for the moment to strike. Diana was finally going to tell Brent that she was sick of being treated like a second class citizen. She was tired of his friends and partying coming before her. Admittedly, she was rather sick of everything about him. They hadn't been very close in recent times, and Diana felt herself detaching herself more and more from him. She couldn't help it. That's what happens when you don't see your significant other in over a month, and hardly speak to them about anything that mattered. Diana wasn't even sure how she managed to convince him to come over in the first place. She couldn't have picked a better time either; she was the only one home, as her parents were out of town on a camping trip, and Marisa was out at the movies with her friends.

The girl didn't even stir as she caught a glimpse of headlights in her driveway. Let the games begin, she thought as the back gate opened and shut. Diana didn't look away from the fire as she heard a male's voice call out to her, "Diana, is that you?"

"Yup," she muttered, not able to hide the venom in her voice.

The boy walked over and took a seat next to her, leaning forward to get a better look at her face. Diana stared back at him, a serious look plastered to her face. "Are you okay?" he asked.

He just opened a can of worms he didn't want opened. "No, Brent. As a matter of fact, I'm not," Diana snapped. "You say we're in a relationship, yet there is no relationship. We don't hang out, we hardly talk, and you find that partying comes before me and your class work. And when we do see each other you feel the need to argue with me over something that isn't even that important." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I've been doing a lot of thinking recently, and after a friend brought it up to me, I've come to an ultimatum. Either things start changing today, or I'm done."

"So your friend told you to break up with me?" Brent asked, the anger all too apparent in his voice.

"No, what he said is that I needed to voice my concerns with you, and that if things didn't improve that I needed to move on," Diana said quietly.

"He? Who is he?"

"You don't know him," Diana immediately defended Artemis, although he was nowhere in sight.

"So you've been seeing another guy behind my back? And he tells you to dump me?" Brent went on, completely missing Diana's point, as always.

"You daft bimbo! You honestly think I'm that stupid?! I've been faithful to you for over two years Brent, and when I bring up my concerns, you accuse me of being a harlot?" Diana shook her head in disbelief. "You know what, I don't need this. I'm done with you Brent. Get the hell out of here."

"Gladly. I was going to break up with you anyways," Brent answered, as he stood. "Goodbye Diana."

And with that, Diana watched her now ex-boyfriend leave, an odd feeling building in her chest. Once he was out of sight, Diana's head fell to her hands as she let the tears flow from her eyes unchecked. She knew this day was coming; why did it hurt so much still? As it turned out, she found herself suddenly wishing someone had been home to talk to...

Without thinking, the girl pulled her cell phone from her pocket, and through tear-drenched eyes, managed to call someone, though she had no idea who at first. That question was answered when she heard a voice answer her. "Hello?"

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