Chapter 9: Enchanted

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  • Dedicated to Marisa and Kat

Hello readers! Sorry this took forever for me to write. I was totally not feeling well recently, and well... when I don't feel good, my writing tends to be... not as good. This chapter I've been excited about for a while now, and admittedly, I had a lot of fun writing it too.

Since I can only dedicate this chapter to one Wattpad member, I just want to make it clear that I really had two people to thank for my inspiration for this chapter: Marisa and Kat. Marisa gave the idea for the beginning when we spoke about a week ago. She never actually said anything, when we were talking, the idea came to me. And as for Kat, she helped with one of the minor details with the setting, and the song since we both used it at about the same time for our stories. Of course actually meeting her the other day was a boost for my inspiration as well. So thank these two beautiful young ladies for their help. They're the best, and I don't know what I would do without them. <3

Anyhow, onto the much anticipated chapter 9! Hope you all enjoy! =)


Diana released the last curl of her sister's hair from the curling iron. She was helping her get ready for some date she had that night. Admittedly, Diana couldn't remember the details for it; her mind had been too busy still trying to comprehend her own situation to pay any attention to her sister's. She truly felt bad for being so distant, but she naturally couldn't help it. She had way too many thoughts running through her head to even be able to concentrate.

"There, you can go finish getting ready," she announced, leaning back against the bathroom counter, giving her sister some space to move.

"Thanks, Di," Marisa answered her, jumping up to look at what her sister had done to her hair. "This is perfect."

"Glad you like it," Diana sighed, moving off the counter top. "But I won't bug you." With that, she left the tiny bathroom, and went back to her room. Little did her sister know, Diana had plans of her own to attend to that evening. They weren't anything major, or even anything as important as a date, but for whatever reason, Diana found herself to be incredibly anxious about them.

She stood in front of her dresser, examining her reflection carefully in the mirror that hung behind it. Diana didn't know what to think about how she looked right now; she had finally regained some color to her skin after her ordeal yet at the same time, she could still tell that she had been upset for a bit now. She had dark circles under her eyes, a clear indicator that she hadn't been sleeping well. She sighed; nothing a little makeup couldn't fix. Before she even started that, she glanced up at her clock. Diana had less than an hour to finish getting ready.

As she began to touch up her face, she wondered how she had managed to set these plans up in the first place. Diana had somehow convinced Artemis to go to dinner with her, or rather for him to take her with him while he went out. Admittedly, Diana knew she needed to get out of her house after what had transpired two nights beforehand. Diana was ready to forget about what happened between her and Brent, and that was exactly what she planned on doing tonight.

Diana tossed her mascara back into her makeup bag on her dresser before adjusting her flowy blue shirt. It was a relatively warm day, so she had opted to wear something that would allow her to breathe in the heat and humidity. She was just hoping that Artemis wouldn't mind her wearing shorts to dinner. Diana's thoughts were interrupted when she noticed her sister standing in the doorway.

"I thought you were just staying home," Marisa raised an eyebrow at her. "You don't get all dressed up for lounging around the house. So what's up?"

Diana knew her sister was bound to figure out what was going on; Marisa wasn't dumb by any means. "I'm just going to dinner; nothing special," Diana tried her best to shrug off the dinner with Artemis as if it was nothing. It was nothing, but for some reason, Diana couldn't shake the butterflies out of her stomach.

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