Chapter 20: Outraged

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Hello everyone. Sorry this took so long. I've been busy with all sorts of things recently- my college homework (the main culprit of my lack of time), wedding planning, and well... just life in general. I'm thinking this week will be less time consuming in terms of homework, so I'm hoping to get some more writing done than in the past few weeks.

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Part of it was inspired by an episode of The Big Bang Theory. For those of you have watched it and have seen one of the newest episodes, you'll be able to pin point which part it was. =P Enough of my babbling. Here is Chapter 20! =)


Holly was not thrilled about meeting Butler at the airport. Of all places, he had picked one that was seriously one of the most dangerous to fairies. They could easily be picked up by the radar used by airplanes while shielded, and could easily be hit by one as well. Very few things made Holly more nervous than an airport full of humans, and one of them was flying into an airport full of humans with a dangerous mission at hand. To top it all off, Holly had Mulch Diggums to smuggle in as well. Holly hadn't been with the dwarf for but a few hours, and she was already sick of being in his company. She had him strapped to her Moonbelt, and wrapped in cam foil. While not fool proof, it was all Holly could do to transport Mulch across the country from E116. Holly was certainly glad she had been able to restore her magic before making this trip back. Although she wished she could use some of it on Mulch to shut him up.

"I don't see what good I'm going to do for Fowl," Mulch insisted. "From what I've gathered it's just a reconnaissance mission."

Holly rolled her eyes. "I don't know what the plan is, Mulch, but I'm sure Artemis wouldn't request your presence if it wasn't needed."

Mulch snorted. "He better hope he wouldn't. If I find out that I have no purpose, and I could've been doing business for myself, I'm going to be a very angry dwarf."

Holly sighed, trying her hardest to block him out. Right now she needed to focus on the air around her, and figure out exactly where the Fowl's Lear jet was parked in the airport. Bishop International Airport was finally coming into view, and Holly was grateful that it was nighttime. During the nighttime, the haze created by her shield and the cam foil would be less visible than during the day, meaning there was less of a chance of her exposing the People.

As the elf flew through the airspace around the airport, she kept her eyes peeled for the fancier airplane owned by the Fowls. Sure enough, she spotted it towards the back of the airstrip, obviously in its final preparations before flight. Holly slowly descended towards the sleek plane, already feeling uneasy about boarding. Upon landing next to the plane, she released Mulch from her belt, causing him to fall to the ground next to her with a thud.

"You should really be more careful next time, Holly," he grumbled. "I am rather fragile, you know."

"Oh shut up and c'mon," Holly groaned. She glanced around to make sure no one was looking. Once she was clear, Holly led Mulch to the door of the jet, quickly stepping inside and shutting the door behind them. Almost immediately, angry sounding music echoed through her ears. Holly removed her helmet, glancing around the stylish interior as she attempted to place where the music was coming from. Towards the back of the plane, Holly spotted the culprit.

Artemis sat crossed legged in a meditative state, his eyes closed gently. Although Holly could tell he was trying to relax, she knew based on the music coming from the speakers that he was far from happy or calm. The song blaring through the speakers certainly was not a happy song by any means. Mars, the Bringer of War, her mind thought, although she wasn't entirely sure when she had picked up on Mud Men orchestral suites. "Oh no," she finally said out loud.

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