Chapter 8: Time To Die

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Chapter 8: Time To Die

Jack felt his eyes shot open as looks to see he was back in his old home, his home before he was cursed, before Bella died. "How.." He says as he stands to hear something drop making him turn to see Bella in the kitchen cooking. "Oh darn it..." He hears her say as she bends down and pick up some glass. "Bella..." Jack ask making Bella look up to him with a smile, "I was wondering when you'd show up." She says as she stands up and continues to clean. Jack took this chance to walk to her but he kept looking around, "What is happening?" He ask as he stops in the doorway looking at her. "Well you're dreaming of course." She says turning to him as she keeps drying a dish. "Dreaming? So it's true then, you're a witch." He says making her nod, "I am. But Jackson I am not like Amber, I never used my powers for evil or anything. I didn't use my powers at all most of the time."

"Did you use any to make me love you?" He ask as Bella places the plate down and walks to him, "No, no never. You loved me on your own choice. I never put a spell on you, ever. Even when Ann.. Amber had you kill me. I didn't stop you." She says as she place her hand on his cheek. "Why didn't you though Bella? Why didn't you stop me?" He ask feeling her warm touch on his cheek, it felt like home to him. "Because if I did, you would of died and I just.. I couldn't have that." "I died the day you died Bella... The day Amber turned me into this... monster!" He yells pushing her back. "And then you... You posed a poor girl... made her come to this town just to have Amber want her dead... Why?" Jack ask feeling anger go through him, he was finally getting all the answers he needed to hear, he needed to know.

Bella took a deep breath, "Elsa is special. She can see me, she's had dreams of our past. I feel like she might be a witch also." Bella said making Jack huff, "Right, so what do you want her to do then?" Bella step up to the man she was going to marry, the man she loved. "I think she can kill Amber." She says. Jack slowly sat down moving his fingers through his hair, "How do you think Elsa can kill her huh?" "Like I said I think..." "What if you're wrong!" Jack interrupted making Bella step back, she never saw Jackson so anger before.

"You want me to put an innocent girl in danger, just so Amber can be dead? Who are you? Because this... This is not the Bella I remember." Jack says point at Bella making her close her eyes, "You don't understand Jack, If Amber dies, then you can be with me. You can finally be free." Bella says touching Jack's face. "I... I could be free?" Jack answer not fully believing it. But Bella nods her head as she goes into his arms, "We can be together again." She says making Jack's heart start to hurt. That was all he wanted, was to be with Bella. That was until he meet Elsa.

"What about Elsa." Jack ask making Bella pull back and look at Jack. She could see it, he had the same look in his eyes he used to give her. She couldn't help but smile even if she felt tears come into her eyes, "I was... So worried you'd move on. And I was right." Bella laughs tears finally falling. "Bella..." Jack whispers. "You love Elsa." Bella says making Jack freeze. He wanted to lie to her, to say he wasn't but... he knew he was. "I'm sorry." He says making Bella sigh, "No, no it's been awhile, you needed this. You needed her. And she needs you." Bella says as Jack heard a cracking sound as he looks around to see the world around them start to break. "What's going on?" He ask as Bella walks back to him.

"You're waking up." She says as she touches his cheek again, "Please... Please stop Amber, I'll do everything I can here to help you be with Elsa." Bella says even though it was breaking her heart saying that. Jack touches her hand on his cheek, "What about you?" He ask making her chuckle, "Oh Jackson, I had my chance with you. And it was wonderful. But now it's time to let you go. Please... Protect her. And love her, like you loved me." She says as she goes on her tip toes and kisses Jack lightly as the world around them crashed. 

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